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Hall makes a musical journey from Charleston to BC

When the 2023 inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were announced last week, one newer resident of Boulder City had more of an emotional stake in the outcome than most.

Boulder City a popular spot for Hollywood shoots

Filming movies, television shows or commercials in Las Vegas is very common. But over the years, Boulder City has seen its fair share of moments on the both the big and small screen as well as the pages of many magazines.

Ghosts, monsters to haunt town for Halloween

Local business owner Tom Devlin has turned one of his passions into another memorable event by teaming up with the creator of Bonnie Screams to offer more Halloween experiences.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Oct. 3

1 ARTFUL PURSUIT: More than 300 artists from throughout the country will showcase their work during the 56th annual Art in the Park show. Benefiting Boulder City Hospital, the juried show will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in Bicentennial, Wilbur Square and North and South Escalante parks. There will be entertainment, demonstrations and a raffle. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.artinthepark.org or 702-293-0214.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Sept. 26

1 BEST WÜRST: Head over to Bicentennial Park, 999 Colorado St., on Saturday for the 23rd annual Würst Festival presented by the Boulder City Sunrise Rotary. Scheduled from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., the daylong event includes silent and live auctions, the Würst Dam Car Show, presented by the Boulder City Cruisin’ Association, entertainment, a cornhole tournament, a kids play zone and, of course, bratwurst. Proceeds benefit the club’s charitable activities, including the all-night graduation party for Boulder City High School seniors.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Sept. 19

1 LIVING HISTORY: Noted pilot Elizabeth “Bessie” Coleman and famed undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau will appear to return to life to share their stories at Boulder City Chautauqua presents “Pioneers of the Sky and Sea” on Saturday at Boulder Theatre, 1225 Arizona St. Scholars Juanita Westbrook and Doug Mishler will portray the historic figures at the 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. presentations. Tickets are $15 per performance. A scholars reception is planned for immediately following the afternoon show; tickets are $30 each. A $55 VIP ticket includes a ticket to both performances and the meet and greet event. Tickets are available at Ace Hardware, 541 Nevada Way; Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona Street; or Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, 465 Nevada Way. For more information, call 702-293-7853, email info@bcchautauqua.org or visit http://www.bcchautauqua.org.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Sept. 12

1 BRING THE GROG: After a summer hiatus, the Best Dam Wine Walk returns to downtown Boulder City on Saturday with a pirate theme. The wine walk is scheduled from 4 to 8 p.m., with check in at Grace Christian Academy, 512 California Ave. Cost is $25 per person, with a $5 discount available if you bring a glass from a previous wine walk. For more information, visit https://www.bouldercitychamber.com/2019-best-dam-wine-walk.html

Weekend’s Best Bets, Sept. 5

1  GRAB YOUR BIBS: Delight your taste buds and head to the Boulder City Elks Lodge at 1217 Boulder City Parkway on Saturday for Boulder City United Methodist Church’s fourth annual Loaves &Lobsters fundraiser. The annual event includes a live Maine lobster dinner, silent auction and door prizes. Tickets are $40 each and can be purchased at the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, 465 Nevada Way.

Artist’s colorful interpretation of desert wins poster contest

Eric Vozzola, a graphic artist from Las Vegas, won the Dam Short Film Festival’s poster contest with his design featuring geometric elements creating a bright, colorful desert scene with Hoover Dam in the background.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Aug. 29

1 POP THE CORN: “The Upside” will be shown at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. The comedy, starring Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston and Nicole Kidman, explores the relationship between a wealthy man with quadriplegia and an unemployed man with a criminal record who was hired to help him. Bring blankets and snacks. There is no cost to attend.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Aug. 22

1 CREATIVE COOKING: Head over to the Boulder City Library to learn how to make delicious meals without an oven during its No Oven August class at 2 p.m. Saturday. The class size is limited, and it’s intended for those 16 and older. There is no cost, but participants are required to register at the information desk at the library, 701 Adams Blvd. For additional information, call 702-293-1281.

Weekend’s Best Bets, Aug. 15

1 CORNHOLE COMPETITION: Boulder Dam Brewing Co. will hold an end-of-summer tournament. The double-elimination cornhole tourney begins at 8 p.m. The event also includes entertainment with a live DJ, raffles and prizes. There is a $20 per person or $40 per team entry fee. The Brewpub is at 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit www.boulderdambrewing.com for more information.

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Council votes ‘no’ on leash law

And, in the end, only one member of the city council was willing to stand up to a minority of residents and insist that dogs in public areas be on a leash.

Former rest home to become apartments

The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to approve variances and a conditional use permit so that a former assisted living facility in the southeast part of town can reopen as apartments for seniors.