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Hall makes a musical journey from Charleston to BC

When the 2023 inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were announced last week, one newer resident of Boulder City had more of an emotional stake in the outcome than most.

Boulder City a popular spot for Hollywood shoots

Filming movies, television shows or commercials in Las Vegas is very common. But over the years, Boulder City has seen its fair share of moments on the both the big and small screen as well as the pages of many magazines.

Norris wins Chautauqua poster contest

Boulder City Chautauqua is bringing “Rule Breakers & Headline Makers” to town next month as part of its educational theatrical presentations.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 READY FOR HIS SOLO: Ross LaMarca, who plays with Walk Off Hits, will perform as a solo artist at 8:30 p.m. Friday at The Dillinger Food and Drinkery, 1224 Arizona St. He will present a special two-hour acoustic performance of his soulful brew of funky, pop/rock. Admission is free. Call 702-293-4001 or visit www.thedillinger.com for more information.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 FUNKY MUSIC: Groovement arrives in town tonight, Aug. 3, for a show at Boulder Dam Brewing Co. as part of its nationwide tour supporting its second album, “Clouds.” The six-piece ensemble hails from northwest Arkansas and plays funky rock music. The group describes its sound as if “a Led Zeppelin collided into a Soul Train.” Their performance starts at 8 p.m. at the Brewpub, 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit www.boulderdambrewing.com for more information.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 DO EWE KNOW?: Learn about the bighorn sheep that frequently visit the area from Nevada Department of Wildlife experts from 1-3:30 p.m. Friday at Hemenway Valley Park, 401 Ville Drive. Get basic facts about the animals and tips to watch them safely from a distance. Though sheep from the River Mountain Herd regularly visit the park, there is no guarantee they will attend the afternoon presentation.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 PHOTO EXHIBIT: Colorful photographs taken by artist Kathy Leroy during a recent trip to the Netherlands are on display at the Boulder City Art Guild gallery inside the Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona St. The gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call the gallery at 702-293-2138.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 BEER PONG: Head over to the Boulder Dam Brewing Co. for its Red, White and Brews tournament, scheduled from 6:30 to 9 tonight. In addition to the double-elimination tourney — and its $200 cash grand prize — there will be live entertainment and giveaways. Registration is $40 for a team of two, which includes beer and appetizers. Those interested must register by 6 p.m. The Brewpub is at 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit www.boulderdambrewing.com for more information.

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Council votes ‘no’ on leash law

And, in the end, only one member of the city council was willing to stand up to a minority of residents and insist that dogs in public areas be on a leash.

Former rest home to become apartments

The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to approve variances and a conditional use permit so that a former assisted living facility in the southeast part of town can reopen as apartments for seniors.