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Trash talk isn’t always a bad thing

Allow me to warn you that this month’s Home Matters is filled with all kinds of trash talk. In fact, I’ve been trash talking with the city and BC Wastefree for a few days now. Why all this garbage gab? It’s time to take out the trash, properly.

Legislative season almost here

Ahhh… it is a wonderful time of year. Spring is just around the corner. The sun shines longer, the birds are singing, and plants are blooming. It is a magical time of year!


Last night I caught a few minutes of “Wheel of Fortune” and whenever I do, I can’t help but think back to my time in Hawaii when the show came over to film a few weeks’ worth of episodes at the Hilton Waikoloa Village about 15 years ago.

A little late and clueless but still…

I know, I know, I know. I’m a week late for Valentine’s Day content. But my timing has always sucked. Just ask my wife.

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

Grey’s ‘Rider’ unmasks philosophy about destiny

Zane Grey, one of the first self-published authors, had a career that exceeded 89 books and $40 million in revenue. His work went from print to motion picture format on more than one occasion. One of the movies based on a Grey book was first titled “The Mysterious Rider” before being retitled as “The Fighting Phantom” in 1933. The movie was filmed at Hoover Dam, bringing actors Kent Taylor and Lona Andre through Boulder City.

Holistic treatments help many veterans

Last year in one of my columns, I briefly discussed holistic medicine and efforts that the Department of Veterans Affairs had been taking to include such treatments in its care of veterans. Since then, the VA has made some additional efforts to include nontraditional treatments.

Letters to the Editor

Debate, not personal attacks, best way to discuss city issues

Time too precious to squander

It’s been said that time and tide wait for no man.

Who needs, should help simply matter of perspective

With every new president comes a new debate on taxes. And you cannot have a good tax debate without talking about the 1 percent. And anyone can see why.

Action behind opinion sets city apart from others

For more than two decades, I’ve been getting to know Boulder City folks. I baked, cooked and waited on them at local restaurants. I reported news to them. I served them as foundation director at Boulder City Hospital. I worked as Boulder City’s public information officer. I ran for City Council and continue to be involved in city issues and volunteer organizations.

Time brings steps in right direction

It’s been said that time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve also heard that time passes much more quickly the older you get.

Legacy of service does not go unnoticed

This Veterans Day, appreciative citizens will reach out to thank military veterans for their service and sacrifice. The day prior, Nov. 10, will be the 242nd birthday of the United States Marine Corps. (Marines have two birthdays, their date of birth and Nov. 10).

Hoover Dam often doubles as Cupid

In 1996, Academy Award-nominated actress Salma Hayek filmed a Columbia Pictures movie titled “Fools Rush In” with Emmy Award-nominated actor Matthew Perry at Hoover Dam.

Compromise, like marble cake, can make life better

Compromise. Simply put, compromise is the art of coming to an agreement or settlement in a dispute with each side making concessions.

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City presented good government award

Three times in six years. That is Boulder City’s current record as a winner of the Cashman Good Government Award, which it won for the most recent time last week.