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No parade passes us by

The start of a new year is always a big deal for me. But it’s not the fireworks or parties that I look forward to as one year melds into another.

As a Southern California native, the start of a new year only means one thing: the annual Tournament of Roses Parade that travels 5½ miles down Colorado Boulevard. It’s not a new year without watching the parade.

Though my options for watching the parade are more limited since moving to Nevada (it’s not as easy to get to Pasadena, and fewer television stations air the festivities), the morning of Jan. 1 is always reserved for a nice cup of tea and a comfy spot on the couch.

Monday morning was no different. I got up, made myself comfortable and sat down for two uninterrupted hours of parade watching. It was all the more special this year because I spotted several old friends among the entries.

This year’s parade was themed “Making a Difference.” It highlighted the many ways people and companies make a difference in the lives of others.

As I watched the floats, equestrian units and bands march by, I was heartened by the realization that Boulder City residents don’t need such a spectacle to remind them to make a difference. They do it every day.

From the simplest act to the grandest gesture, someone, somewhere is always doing something to make the life of another person better. You see it everywhere you go.

Take a walk in the downtown historic district. Cars routinely stop to let pedestrians cross the street, passersby smile to folks they see on the sidewalks and proprietors wholeheartedly welcome shoppers to their stores.

Stop by the Boulder Dam Credit Union on any given day and you’re likely to find one or more groups there trying to raise funds or awareness for their efforts to provide assistance.

Across the street is the Senior Center of Boulder City, which works diligently to enrich the lives of our local senior citizens by providing social activities, nutritious meals, educational classes, health services and more.

Nearby is the city’s recreation center, the site of many classes that help keep our residents young and old healthy and engaged, as well as serving as the home of the Tiny Tots program, which gives young children a boost on their education.

The list of organizations in Boulder City that helps others is far too long to feature here, but rest assured there are groups of citizens who can assist with practically any need. From those needing financial assistance to those who need a ride to their medical appointments, someone is there to lend a helping hand.

Our four-legged friends are not forgotten either, as there are those who work to ensure they remain well-fed, healthy and in homes filled with love.

With so many working to make a difference in the lives of others, I have no doubt the coming 364 days will be just as spectacular as Jan. 1 was Pasadena.

Happy new year.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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