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Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Keeping our waters safe

Lake Mead National Recreation Area prioritizes the safety of its visitors by conducting regular water testing at beaches and hot springs.

It’s just a piece of paper, right?

I’m not sure if it is because the Spousal Unit and I are now empty-nesters or if it is leftover influence from that Netflix show called “Swedish Death Cleaning,” but a substantial portion of my weekends for the past few months has been trying to sort through and eliminate some of the “stuff” that has taken over the house.

Can a song help reduce military, veteran suicides?

For too many years now, the growing problem of military personnel and veterans (as well as civilians), taking their own lives has been seemingly unsolvable.

Fighting the fentanyl epidemic

You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but there is a dangerous drug killing about 150 people every day in the U.S.: fentanyl. Right here in Boulder City, three people died from fentanyl overdoses in 2022. This year, that number has nearly doubled – five deaths, and we still have two more months before the year ends.

Be Like Coke

In the late 60s, Cheryl, my future mother-in-law, received a surprise telephone call that changed her life forever.

Many reasons for giving thanks

In just three weeks, millions of families will gather around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time for reflection and for recognizing what is special to you and your family. The past year has been full of challenges and changes for me, and I am sure you have encountered the same. This year, I’ve been thinking about all of the reasons that I am thankful.

Former principal will be missed

“That’s all the good news I have for today. Take good care of yourselves. Take good care of each other. Have a great Andrew J. Mitchell Day!”

Celebrating LMNRA’s local native plant nursery and seed bank

According to National Geographic, the first agricultural revolution occurred twelve thousand years ago. During that time, humans moved into long-term settlements thanks to their ability to collect, clean, and store seeds. Fast-forward to today, and the process is no less critical.

The one who got away

With a headline like this, you may be thinking I’m writing about a lost love. If so, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

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Cuts made at King

It’s one thing to save for a rainy day but when that rainy day turns into a flood, that’s a time for concern.

Yes to big garage, booze in the park

Not every story of public importance concerning city government comes out of decisions by the city council. Sometimes items of interest come out of those other city meetings that garner little attention.