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Save me some confetti eggs

In last week’s edition, I wrote a preview of the upcoming July 4 celebration and described Boulder City’s biggest day of the year as if a Norman Rockwell painting had come alive and jumped off the canvas. I had a few people praise me for that description, saying it’s the perfect way to do so.

The word “Americana” popped up many times when I put up a Facebook post asking residents what makes the July 4 Damboree so special. It’s baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet all rolled into one days of festivities.

Having grown up in Boulder City, it was always a special day, especially if I was fortunate enough to be in the parade. This was before the days of the designated wet zone. These days, the wet zone is so much fun to watch but now that I’m back as editor of the newspaper, remember, please don’t squirt the guy with the camera.

While I can appreciate the fact that most of the events at Broadbent Park have been moved to the more spacious Veterans’ Memorial Park, who of us didn’t grab a burger, soda and a dozen confetti eggs when we were young at the park following the parade?

How many of you remember there being a donation table outside of the credit union? I remember the sentiment was, if every Boulder City resident gave just a dollar, we’d be able to have great fireworks show. I’m guessing it’s a tad bit more these days.

An unwritten tradition in Boulder City is that the class reunions take place over the July 4 holiday. As a member of the class of 1987, we’ve been able to pull off five and a half reunions. I say half because our 35th was less than stellar. I can also say that because I’m the one who tried to put something together last minute. Keeping in touch via social media is fine but there’s nothing like seeing those classmates in person, laughing and reminiscing about the good old days. Speaking of which, as the character Andy Bernard said on one of the last episodes of “The Office,” “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” Amen to that.

As he has for many years, emcee Mike Pacini will again be getting the crowd going as he plays music and offers games and prizes before and after the fireworks at Veterans’ Park. I asked him to share his feelings when he’s doing what it is he does so well.

“When I’m standing on stage and I have hundreds of different kinds of people dancing, laughing, screaming and having a good time, it’s the best feeling ever.”

I hope you all enjoy your day, whether it’s taking part in all the festivities or hanging out at home with family and friends. All I ask is that you save me a dozen confetti eggs. Well, at least a few.

I’m a mean one, Mr. Grinch

It was Friday and I had been deeply involved for more than an hour in a discussion with the band’s new keyboard player sorting out who was playing what on each of the 25 or so songs for the unit’s first public gig coming up in just a bit more than five weeks after this issue hits the street. And I suddenly realized I was sitting in my garage with a guitar in my lap in the dark.

The right to be heard

I’m not here to tell you which candidates or ballot measures to vote for on Nov. 5.

Voters to dive into ballot question next month

It’s widely known that the existing Boulder City Municipal Pool is out of date with current building standards, inefficient and faces structural challenges in the coming years, if not sooner.

Festival epitomizes generous spirit

Fall officially arrived last month. That means its time for a long-time tradition for Boulder City residents: Art in the Park.

Simple acts of kindness go a long way

I thought about the content of this column at around 2 a.m. I had woken up and for about an hour I wrote it in my head.

Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Don’t mess with our pets

Last month, Boulder City Animal Control responded to a local resident who found an abandoned, critically injured 10-week-old puppy in an alleyway. The rottweiler-mix was immediately transported to the Boulder City Animal Hospital and treated for a dislocated jaw, eye and facial damage, and missing teeth. The puppy has undergone several surgical procedures, and one of his eyes had to be removed.