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Simple acts of kindness go a long way

I thought about the content of this column at around 2 a.m. I had woken up and for about an hour I wrote it in my head.

Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

Council acts follow city charter

The blaring headline, the denigrating letters to the editor, the smoke thrown into our already hazy skies. All these false efforts result in the editor of this newspaper calling for the end of chaos at City Hall. Dire statements are cast forward that any action by the current City Council to govern this city are not worth our while.

City wrong to mandate voluntary unit

City Council’s action Tuesday night to require the Boulder City Police Department to maintain a mounted unit is wrong.

Patriots will protect our nation

Dear Antifa members and Black Lives Matter enthusiasts, I would like to take a moment to say we are “sorry” to both of your groups and the many followers who embrace your misguided messages and ideologies. I understand that you may be feeling somewhat frustrated with all of your recent rioting activities that you haven’t really made any consequential and/or significant progress toward changing the society you reside in.

Timing wrong to replace city attorney, city manager

I write regarding the current effort to terminate the city manager and city attorney. The City Council’s present activity really comes as no surprise, as shortly after the last municipal election newly elected council members talked around town about firing the city clerk, city manager and city attorney.

Utah pipeline plan an affront to Nevada

Nevada and Utah share more than borders. We share the coveted and much-fought-over Colorado River.

Realities of economy should not be ignored

What makes people look at facts and ignore or deny them? How come people don’t listen to solutions to problems? We could analyze why people do or don’t do something, but that could go on ad infinitum and there’s work to do.

City needs to clean up its act

To say things are a mess at City Hall might be an understatement. And things are likely to get a lot messier as the city is embroiled in several lawsuits, including the most recent one with the city attorney and city manager.

Taxpayers big losers in city’s legal battles

Boulder City is no stranger to lawsuits that it should have no business being involved in. In 2010, the city made the decision to sue residents who had worked to put three initiatives on the ballot. It was a long, drawn-out suit and countersuit that ultimately ended in the Nevada Supreme Court where our city, us the taxpayers, had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to those they had sued and their attorneys. We don’t know the total cost to our city, including staff time, but it may well have approached a million dollars.

Feedback of any type crucial

One of my first Army leadership classes taught me that “all feedback is positive, even when it is negative.” It took a few moments to grasp that concept, but I realized that if no criticism is made (constructive or otherwise), how does one improve?

More simple, carefree days needed

Life here on Earth hasn’t gotten much better in the past few months as COVID-19 continues to ravage communities and limit some of our activities.

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Breeding moves off backburner

The contentious issue of changing the municipal code in Boulder City to set up a system under which residents interested in breeding cats and dogs would be able to get a license for doing that is not exactly back before the city council for consideration. But it has taken the first step in getting to that point.

New program offered at BCHS

BCHS has a new program it’s offering and students have the opportunity to get the life skills they need. The head wrestling coach, Clinton Garvin, a Boulder City alumni, is making his Boulder City teaching debut with the JAG program at the high school.