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The art of communication in consciousness

For Memorial Day I am exploring human consciousness with you. Many misunderstandings have been fought over the lack of a mutual perspective among the parties involved. What better gift is there than one that assists in the art of communication? My work in formulating the discipline of Aquarian Theosophy has led me to the following understanding of humanities’ reality; consciousness is the basis of understanding.

Alumni events, marriage and a real Nazi

Ron’s column from a few weeks ago inspired me to tell a story about a weird event from my past. Mine is not as exciting as his in that there is no wrestler named Silo Sam. But there is at least one Nazi. And, no, not the current “I disagree with your politics so you are a Nazi” version. An actual card-carrying member of the party.

Las Vegas Veterans’ Memorial to Boulder City?

Veterans’ memorials can be found all over the Silver State. They are well deserved. They honor individuals who served the nation, and also commemorate battles and events regarding the many military anniversaries in Nevada.

Keep the fun in funny Valentine

If home is where the heart is, and the heart is the symbol of love, what better place to celebrate Valentine’s Day than home sweet home?

More To Mead: Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird …

Over the winter months, visitors to Lake Mead National Recreation Area can witness several raptor species, as it is a popular hunting ground for wintering bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, peregrine falcons, and northern harriers. Each bird is a raptor — a meat-eating bird with sharp talons, hooked beaks, and keen eyesight.

Veterans promote 7th Annual Christmas Toy Giveaway

Each Christmas there are several organizations that sponsor toy drives to help less-fortunate families give presents to their children. The Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots may be the most visible, but there are smaller groups that also help local families.

It’s election season in Boulder City

Editor’s Note: The following is a corrected version of this month’s City Talk column written by City Clerk Tami McKay that appeared in the Jan. 11 print edition.

It’s a mighty meaty May

Thirty-three pit masters. It makes for a lot of ribs and chicken and brisket. That’s how many barbecue mavens were on hand to compete at the 2024 edition of the Rotary Club of Boulder City’s Best Dam BBQ event. Before the crowds arrived, indeed, before most of the vendors or car show folks showed up, the early birds were already grilling in anticipation of when they would arrive.

BOR project nearing completion

The long-awaited transformation of the Bureau of Reclamation grounds from grass to xeriscaping is in the home stretch. But no date on its completion is known at this point.