Seen on Scene: At the Damboree

Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City Review

Story Tellers Corner: Man’s passion to write unstoppable

An aptitude test he took in eighth grade gave Nathaniel Gee his first inkling that a career as an author might be something he would be interested in.

Commentary: Water conservation remains key to sustainable future

The last time Lake Mead was at 35 percent capacity, it was being filled in the 1930s. While ongoing drought and climate change have created an uncomfortable reality and stressed water supplies, the Southern Nevada Water Authority has been preparing for this for almost 20 years. Now, with a federal shortage declaration just weeks away, our community’s commitment to conserving our limited water resources takes on a new urgency as we strive to protect the vibrancy of the place that more than two million of us call home.

Public utility commission needed for social media

Holding and reading a newspaper is old school these days. However, Facebook, and other social media platforms, have given us the power of instant feedback. I said in a previous column that all feedback is good, even when it is negative.

More scenery, less crowds: Summer ‘grand’ time to visit canyon’s North Rim

If you are planning a visit to Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona — and most people do have that visit on their bucket lists — you might consider aiming at the North Rim instead of the better-known South Rim. This area of the park, accessed via the Arizona Strip, gets only about 10 percent the number of visitors who crowd the South Rim.

Renovations to make City Hall more accessible

Council chambers in City Hall are going to be renovated to make the area more accessible for people with disabilities.

Election results finalized

It’s official. During a special meeting Monday, June 28, morning, City Council members certified the results of the June 15 election that saw Mathew Fox selected for a seat on the governing board and two ballot questions to fund a new pool passed.

Damboree expands to 2 days

The upcoming two-day Damboree celebration will be a great time for families, friends, neighbors and visitors to gather in Boulder City, spend time together and celebrate the Fourth of July.

Enjoy July’s many gifts

Today is July 1 and it marks the beginning of one of my favorite months of the year.

Be safe when using fireworks

Many people like to celebrate Independence Day with a bang and as residents’ thoughts start turning to fireworks, local fire officials are issuing a word of caution about their use.

New leaders will bring fresh perspective to city

The recent municipal election resulted in two new council members being elected. I congratulate Sherri Jorgensen and Matt Fox on their elections and welcome their input on City Council.

First responders recognized

Outstanding service to the community by Boulder City’s firefighters, police officers and volunteers was recognized Friday, June 25, during the first joint awards ceremony held by the fire and police departments.

Chamber honors businesses, those who serve community

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce recognized the achievements of local residents, businesses and nonprofits during its annual awards and installation dinner June 24.

Air traffic control tower plans move forward

The city is moving forward with installing an air traffic control tower at the Boulder City Municipal Airport, and initial work for it could be done by the end of the year.

New city manager starts Aug. 9

Boulder City’s new city manager starts work Aug. 9.

Business Beat: Mural painted by BCHS grad highlights drive-thru

A recent Boulder City High School graduate spent his last few days of free time before leaving for school creating a mural for local business, Soda at the Nest.

Election results unchanges as additional ballots counted

Mathew Fox continues to lead the race for a seat on City Council, and two ballot questions to help provide funding for a new municipal pool appear to have passed.

No charges filed yet in fatal shooting

Charges have yet to be filed in the fatal Memorial Day shooting in Boulder City.

Potters’ attempts to stay busy to aid disaster victims

The quarantine due to COVID-19 has caused an unexpected effect among local ceramic artists: a surplus of wares they made while trying to keep themselves occupied when confined to their homes.

To Your Health: Men need to be proactive about their health

According to a survey conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, 40 percent of men only go to the doctor when they have a serious health issue; and 57 percent prefer to keep their health concerns to themselves and are not apt to share or discuss their health concerns with anyone, not even their spouses or significant other, or even their physician.

Pandemic fallout interfered with lobbyists

The biannual state legislative gathering has ended, and it has been a so-so event as far as veterans’ issues are concerned. Assembly Bill 22 was signed by the governor. It instructs the Nevada Department of Veterans Services to develop a transition assistance program to help veterans reintegrate into civilian life. And Assembly Bill 76 authorizes the department to establish and operate programs to provide adult day care services to veterans using federal funds. These laws represent a good outcome for veterans in the Silver State.

All Americans deserve health care

Who out there likes to see people suffer? Raise your hand, please. I am dead serious.

Tufa give Mono Lake its unique look

Mono Lake is located just east of the Sierra Nevada Range by the small town of Lee Vining, California, the eastern gateway to Yosemite National Park. Seeing it is a uniquely Western experience and summer is the time to see it.

Better spending would leave funds for pool

Neighbors, I have lived in Boulder City since 1979 and the new pool was just being built. Now the discussion (is) of a new pool to replace the old pool and the main topic is money.

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