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Not on my turf

In early April, the City Council heard a presentation by Lage Design about staff’s recommended option to remove 35% of the turf at the Boulder City Municipal Golf Course.

I-11 is NOT the Autobahn

When the I-11 highway opened almost six years ago, it alleviated much of the heavy traffic congestion through Boulder City. But this beautiful expanse of open road brought with it a sense that “opening up” and putting the pedal to the metal is OK. It’s not.

New law shapes golf course design

I like golf. While I was in college, I decided to take a class in golf – you could call it a “golf course” course. I figured it would be a great way to relax, enjoy nature, and (maybe) boost my grade point average at the same time! For a semester, I learned the basics: how to drive, chip, putt. It was enjoyable. Many of my classmates that semester had been golfing for years. They were better than me, but I was determined to get a good grade out of the class.

The art of communication in consciousness

For Memorial Day I am exploring human consciousness with you. Many misunderstandings have been fought over the lack of a mutual perspective among the parties involved. What better gift is there than one that assists in the art of communication? My work in formulating the discipline of Aquarian Theosophy has led me to the following understanding of humanities’ reality; consciousness is the basis of understanding.

Diplomas validate veterans’ life lessons

In the next few days as we observe Memorial Day we will pay tribute to the men and women who gave their all to protect and defend our freedoms.

Temple’s visit put spotlight on Boulder City

Today’s throwback Thursday is a bittersweet one. Boulder City’s ties to Hollywood are strong, and one of our more nationally recognized limelight moments comes via a visit to Boulder City High School by actress Shirley Temple in 1938. I say bittersweet because Temple’s childhood was nothing like the social and educational experiences our local children have.

Opportunities to grow are endless

Boulder City High School has been a place of endless opportunities for a shy freshman like me. I had moved to Boulder City from Atlanta, where I was often viewed as a number, not a student. I was used to being a part of the crowd and never dreamed of standing out.

Boulder City’s future looks bright

The future of Boulder City looks bright and prosperous despite the doomsayers. The economy is very good.

Letters to the Editor

Library’s promotional purchases questionable

Explore options before raising utility rates

Opportunity awaits you, Boulder City. Are you going to voice your opinion about a utility rate increase, or are you going to let things happen?

Accept change with open heart, mind

Benjamin Franklin has been quoted as saying, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” A fair quote that has stood the test of time!

Crash cements city’s place in history

To many visitors, Boulder City is a quaint town with a downtown district seemingly stuck in time. Our city streets are often lined with antiques for sale, tourists on motorcycles and local musicians.

Reasons to love our town plentiful

If you ever needed more proof that Southern Nevada — and Boulder City in particular — is an ideal place to live, this past week or so would be it.

City council to mull recruitment firms

When departing and now former city manager Taylour Tedder was on his way out, he took some steps to try to smooth out the transition to a new city executive in the form of five recruitment firms vying for the call to be hired to conduct a nationwide search for his replacement.

Not on my turf

In early April, the City Council heard a presentation by Lage Design about staff’s recommended option to remove 35% of the turf at the Boulder City Municipal Golf Course.