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The art of communication in consciousness

For Memorial Day I am exploring human consciousness with you. Many misunderstandings have been fought over the lack of a mutual perspective among the parties involved. What better gift is there than one that assists in the art of communication? My work in formulating the discipline of Aquarian Theosophy has led me to the following understanding of humanities’ reality; consciousness is the basis of understanding.

Alumni events, marriage and a real Nazi

Ron’s column from a few weeks ago inspired me to tell a story about a weird event from my past. Mine is not as exciting as his in that there is no wrestler named Silo Sam. But there is at least one Nazi. And, no, not the current “I disagree with your politics so you are a Nazi” version. An actual card-carrying member of the party.

Las Vegas Veterans’ Memorial to Boulder City?

Veterans’ memorials can be found all over the Silver State. They are well deserved. They honor individuals who served the nation, and also commemorate battles and events regarding the many military anniversaries in Nevada.

North’s chase for gold landed her in platinum shadow

Imagine you’re an actress with the exact same height, eye color, hair color and physical measurements as Marilyn Monroe. Now, imagine a movie company puts you under contract not for your talent, but simply because of your resemblance to Monroe. This was what life was like when actress Sheree North decided to start making movies.

Honor Flight offers awe-inspiring experience

Many individuals, especially those who follow issues concerning veterans, have more than likely heard of the Honor Flight Network. The mission of the group is to honor select veterans, especially those who served in World War II, by taking them on all-expense-paid excursions to Washington, D.C., to visit military memorials.

Voting essential to being part of community

I’m old enough to remember a time when adults were the authority on everything. If you were a kid, what you said didn’t really matter, because the adults knew best. As a teenager, this was changing, and authority was being questioned.

Road work infringes on residents’ rights

Let me ask you a couple of questions. When is it OK to deny access to someone’s driveway for months on end while roadwork is being completed? Is it fair to caution-tape their driveways and put No Parking signs in front and to the sides of their residences for weeks at a time? And when is it OK for the city police to threaten residents who have to unload groceries and ferry young children to school and need to park for a limited time in front of their homes?

Refuge comes in many, often unexpected, forms

In 1984, Doug Broadbent, the son of former Mayor Robert Broadbent, was looking for refuge. He was working in the accounting office for the Stardust when the Nevada Gaming Commission raided the casino’s offices. Many people were fired, and several ended up in jail. The commission fined the casino $3 million and revoked its gaming license.

Comic duo’s feud stayed off the big screen

Many Hollywood actors have come through Boulder City either to work on a film project or to visit our charming landscape. It seems one doesn’t have to dig deep to discover ties to past and present A-list stars.

Opposition in all things here to stay

The law of opposites. It’s the eternal law that we love to hate. Health and sickness. Virtue and vice. Light and darkness. Pleasure and pain. Victory and defeat. War and peace. Why can’t life just be full of happiness and ease without so many sorrows and difficulties along the way? And why does every worthwhile endeavor seem to spawn so much opposition?

No need for daylight saving time in Nevada

March 13 saw me at the Boulder City swimming pool at 5:45 a.m. preparing to take the 7 a.m. water aerobics class. Why so early? Because it was the first Monday after we “sprang forward” to daylight saving time. Was I awake? No. Did I get a look from the aerobics instructor because I was not paying attention? Yes. That hour makes a difference.

It’s a mighty meaty May

Thirty-three pit masters. It makes for a lot of ribs and chicken and brisket. That’s how many barbecue mavens were on hand to compete at the 2024 edition of the Rotary Club of Boulder City’s Best Dam BBQ event. Before the crowds arrived, indeed, before most of the vendors or car show folks showed up, the early birds were already grilling in anticipation of when they would arrive.

BOR project nearing completion

The long-awaited transformation of the Bureau of Reclamation grounds from grass to xeriscaping is in the home stretch. But no date on its completion is known at this point.