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Trash talk isn’t always a bad thing

Allow me to warn you that this month’s Home Matters is filled with all kinds of trash talk. In fact, I’ve been trash talking with the city and BC Wastefree for a few days now. Why all this garbage gab? It’s time to take out the trash, properly.

Legislative season almost here

Ahhh… it is a wonderful time of year. Spring is just around the corner. The sun shines longer, the birds are singing, and plants are blooming. It is a magical time of year!


Last night I caught a few minutes of “Wheel of Fortune” and whenever I do, I can’t help but think back to my time in Hawaii when the show came over to film a few weeks’ worth of episodes at the Hilton Waikoloa Village about 15 years ago.

A little late and clueless but still…

I know, I know, I know. I’m a week late for Valentine’s Day content. But my timing has always sucked. Just ask my wife.

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

A Roosevelt still lauding GI Bill

The GI Bill that provides financial assistance for education is one of the more successful government programs ever put into action.

Letters to the editor

Defendant: City Council tried to intimidate citizens

Do not look for authenticity in pop culture

In June 1939, Miss Boulder Dam Bettina Norberg, who was a resident of Burlingame, Calif., and had never actually seen the structure whose name she bore, arrived in Nevada during her royal term to tour the dam. She made the trip so that she could describe it during her duties as Miss Boulder Dam.

Random thoughts on Nevada political scene

Have most conservative challengers running against establishment Republicans in primaries — both in Nevada and nationwide — lost? Yes. Were they expected to lose against those entrenched, well-funded incumbents? Yes.

Drivers need to slow down, pay attention

It’s summertime and the living should be easy. Vacation season is in full swing and school is out until August.

Government licensing is ‘Uber’ nosy

So I was driving down the road the other day and pulled up behind a pest control van at a traffic light. On the back was a bumper sticker that read: “Hire Licensed Contractors | IT’S THE LAW!”

Letters to the editor

Good Samaritans’ help with flat tire appreciated

Education key to museum’s mission

A quick glance at our exhibit space, governing documents, website or promotional literature will paint a clear picture of how our museum feels about two things — education and preservation.

Where is respect for majority rule?

Fifty years ago this month Congress enacted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Fifty years ago next year, Congress enacted Medicare. Both measures faced furious opposition and even violence over the bitter course of enactment.

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City presented good government award

Three times in six years. That is Boulder City’s current record as a winner of the Cashman Good Government Award, which it won for the most recent time last week.