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City Government

Electrical system to get backup

Work should begin this month on the city’s new electrical substation, which will dramatically improve the city’s backup power supply.

Airport advisory group may shrink in size, duties

Boulder City’s Airport Advisory Committee is recommending City Council change the group to allow for fewer members as well as new member requirements and different duties.

Splash down: Renovations underway at city’s water park

Boulder City has been improving its splash park during the winter months so that families can have a better experience once spring arrives.

Decision about misconduct in ‘crosswalk protest’ case expected in January

The motion to dismiss for prosecutorial misconduct in the city’s criminal case against a resident who claims he was protesting a police-sanctioned crosswalk pedestrian safety event will not get a ruling until after the holiday season.

The Latest
Council proposes ballot question to help reduce debt

Looking to save millions by refinancing its debt, the city is working on a potential question for the 2018 ballot to seek residents’ opinions on the matter.

Witness contradicts police sergeant

A witness contradicted the deposition of a Boulder City Police sergeant during a hearing Wednesday morning in the case against a resident who was arrested for a “crosswalk protest” during a police-sanctioned pedestrian safety event.

Council OKs final audit report

City Council accepted the final audit report of the 2016-2017 fiscal year and commended the finance department for its improvements.

City names candidate for finance director job

Boulder City is one step closer to having a new finance director after a conditional offer of employment was given to an out-of-state candidate.

New evidence found in ‘crosswalk protest’ case; hearing set

New evidence has been presented in the city’s case against John Hunt, a Boulder City resident who was arrested on several charges after he repeatedly walked back and forth in a marked crosswalk protesting a police-sanctioned pedestrian enforcement event in June 2016.

City considers changes to airport advisory group

Several local airport users are concerned about proposed changes to Boulder City’s Airport Advisory Council and voiced them publicly Tuesday evening.

Process begins to expand land plan

Changes could be coming to the land management plan if recent recommendations are approved by the City Council.

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