I thought about the tourists who came to Las Vegas last week eager for some poolside sun and fun but instead got the cold and wet shoulder. Yet even with a May 1 cold snap, when those sun rays poked through, there was no denying the Earth started her tilt toward the sun.
Retired public employees to learn about career center
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at www.seniorcenterbouldercity.org.
Boulder City residents and visitors are set to have a great time this weekend at the town’s 41st annual Spring Jamboree.
Students at Boulder City High School will be performing “Shrek the Musical” next week, the first drama production in the new theater.
Psalm 98 tells us to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”
Two longtime friends and co-workers are sharing their love for the Mojave Desert with others through their new book, “A Natural History of the Mojave Desert.”
Serge “Math Dad” Ballif performs an experiment at Superhero Saturday at the Boulder City Library.
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at www.seniorcenterbouldercity.org.
This Saturday, April 28, the community will be invaded by superheros as Boulder City Library hosts its first Superhero Saturday and Comic Book Fair, a free activity for people of all ages.
Years ago, someone gave Boulder City resident Cheryl Waites a key fob that said “Every day is Earth Day.” It’s a motto she has adopted for her life and now she’s on a mission to share her care for the land with her fellow community residents.
Without its volunteers, the Senior Center of Boulder City wouldn’t function, said Executive Director Victoria Mason as she expressed her gratitude for their service during a luncheon in their honor Saturday, April 21.
Susan Johnson, left, president of the Senior Center of Boulder City, and Victoria Mason, right, executive director, present a plaque of appreciation to Russell Dodge, store director of Albertsons, for his and the store’s outstanding community support.