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City Government

Virus projected to cause $9.1 million shortfall in city’s budget

Boulder City is facing an estimated $9.1 million revenue loss for the 2021 fiscal year budget because of the COVID-19 pandemic and staff is suggesting to use almost $4 million from reserves to help balance and offset those losses.

Need for more data fuels action

City Council is requesting more information before it approves new fuel dispensing and handling standards for the Boulder City Municipal Airport.

New app lets citizens report property issues

Residents have an easier way to report quality-of-life issues and request city services with a new program available on the city’s website.

The Latest
City’s new aviation fuel rules stalled

City Council failed to ratify new aviation fuel standards for the Boulder City Municipal Airport and ignored the city attorney’s advice at its first meeting since entering a state of emergency March 15.

Airport gets millions through virus relief act

The Boulder City Municipal Airport has been awarded nearly $2.7 million through a new federal grant program created because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Council to meet Tuesday

City Council plans to hold its first meeting in more than a month Tuesday, April 14, albeit in a slightly less than traditional manner.

City asks judge to reconsider fuel tankers’ use

The city attorney is asking a district court judge to reconsider a motion allowing a Boulder City Municipal Airport operator to use tractor-trailers to dispense fuel.

Vindictive prosecution case returns to court

Boulder City will have the opportunity present evidence at a hearing in June about a vindictive prosecution case involving a former resident who was arrested while protesting a police-sanctioned crosswalk enforcement event.

City remains in state of emergency

Boulder City remains in a state of emergency and has extended facility closures and meeting postponements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as implemented new resources for the community.

City cancels meetings, closes facilities

Boulder City officials recently declared a state of emergency due to the global coronavirus pandemic and have postponed all public meetings and workshops as well as limited access to public facilities.

Update to city code halted

After adamantly delaying a discussion and possible vote to update to the city’s code, the mayor has removed it from City Council’s consideration indefinitely.

Judge OKs fuel tankers use

An operator at the Boulder City Municipal Airport can now use his tractor-trailers to dispense fuel, thanks to an order from a District Court judge.

City Hall improvements delayed

Potential improvements to City Hall took a step back as City Council removed them from the draft of the 2021 fiscal year budget.

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