By being alert we can prevent being hurt

About a week ago my husband and I received a computer email message from some casual friends. In it, the couple stated that they were in London and had been robbed of everything except their passports. They asked if we could send them enough money to get back home to the U.S.

Reid ticks off both sides of gun debate

When it comes to the political shooting gallery of gun control, these days it seems just about everyone’s taking aim at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Music will play on until 11 during block party

When The Dillinger Food & Drinkery block party starts creeping on into the night Saturday, organizers will not have to worry about the event’s music being shut down prematurely.

Time for Democrats to get tough on Obama

In January, a man named George Gund died in Palm Springs, Calif. Gund was a resident of Lee in Elko County. He provided the funding for the very first Cowboy Poetry Gathering and sat on the board of Elko’s Western Folklife Center.

Only one anti-Internet tax camp in all of Carson City

Turns out there’s only one elected representative in the entire Nevada Legislature who got the Internet tax issue (SJR5) correct. Every other legislator voted to force out-of-state companies to suck “use” taxes (since you intend to “use” the product in your home state) out of your pocket for online purchases despite myriad reasons not to do so.

Police Blotter

May 7, 3:31 p.m.

Sting captures six in stolen guns, drug sweep

The family who allegedly deals in stolen guns and sells drugs together gets to go to jail together.

Leave water balloons at home this Fourth of July

Hello ladies and gentlemen. In less then two months we will be celebrating the birthday of this great nation. First, as Americans we have much to be thankful for. Second, as Boulder City residents we are blessed, still maintaining the true essence of small town America.

Pet of the Week

Spring Story Time has arrived at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. Every Wednesday during May is preschool story time for ages 2-5 from 10-10:30 a.m., followed by toddler story time from 10:30-11 a.m. for youngsters 36 months and younger.

Eagles earn state berth by beating Moapa

Two things made the Eagles’ state berth-clinching game May 9 extra special for senior Tino Ragone.

Henderson man jumps from dam bypass bridge

A man took his life by jumping off the Hoover Dam bypass bridge early Saturday , the fifth confirmed suicide from the bridge.

Fifth-graders to celebrate DARE graduation

In the early 1980s America got its first taste of the war on drugs. Drug use, gang activity and violence were on the rise, and the increased use of cocaine and crack cocaine was blamed. It didn’t take long for parents, teachers and police departments across the nation to recognize the need for early intervention.

Safe boating event to kick off season

Ushering in National Safe Boating Week, the National Park Service will hold its annual event Saturday at Lake Mead National Park to support safe boating.

GOP Dirty Half- Dozen Gang and the great Nevada mine robbery

Perhaps not since Benedict Arnold sold out the American patriot movement have we seen such a betrayal as that of Republican state Sen. Mike Roberson to all that’s held dear by the Nevada conservative movement this legislative session.

Swim teams cruise in season’s toughest meet

The Boulder City High School boys and girls swim teams continued their strong seasons by beating Green Valley High on Saturday at the Henderson Multi-Generational Pool.

Students take total control of short play fest

Boulder City High School’s annual Short Play Festival typically gives students an opportunity to have more control than usual by choosing and directing their own plays. But this year, because of unusual circumstances, they have total control.

Chamber ‘tone deaf’ on national gun issue

Great place, Boulder City. It’s a town known for a lack of gambling in a state where casinos are cherished like medieval cathedrals.

Sex ed should be kept focused

In the 19th century, a movement called “uniform state laws” became enormously influential. It involved getting states to write similar laws so that crossing a state border was not such a legally difficult process. Unfortunately, it has led to a one-size-fits-all philosophy and a belief that what works in Roanoke, Va., will work in Reno.

Veterans seek justice in courts tailored for them only

When it comes to establishing courts that hear cases only from military veterans, there are some individuals who take umbrage and feel that veterans should be tried only in traditional courts.

Rings Loop Trail experience to build lasting memories

For an outdoor experience that’s different enough to make long-lasting memories, consider the Rings Loop Trail in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. Located near the Hole-In-The-Wall campground, the trail is named for the metal rings bolted to the walls of a short, yet steep slot canyon.

Police close Esther Drive murder-suicide case

After someone called 911 and hung up on Jan. 21, Metropolitan Police Lt. Hans Walters called back and told the dispatcher he had killed his wife and son.

Police Blotter

April 24, 4:31 a.m.

Lake Mead goes native with plant nursery

On a day dedicated to green living, Lake Mead National Recreation Area decided to show off its roots.

Work continues to help kids displaced by club’s closing

While the Boys & Girls Club in Boulder City may be closed, the children who used that resource have not been forgotten by local residents and business owners.

Colorado River called most threatened as Lake Mead falls

An environmental advocacy group has named the Colorado the nation’s most endangered river, just as federal forecasters sounded warnings about lower flows and deeper declines in Lake Mead.

September 2024
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