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Trash talk isn’t always a bad thing

Allow me to warn you that this month’s Home Matters is filled with all kinds of trash talk. In fact, I’ve been trash talking with the city and BC Wastefree for a few days now. Why all this garbage gab? It’s time to take out the trash, properly.

Legislative season almost here

Ahhh… it is a wonderful time of year. Spring is just around the corner. The sun shines longer, the birds are singing, and plants are blooming. It is a magical time of year!


Last night I caught a few minutes of “Wheel of Fortune” and whenever I do, I can’t help but think back to my time in Hawaii when the show came over to film a few weeks’ worth of episodes at the Hilton Waikoloa Village about 15 years ago.

A little late and clueless but still…

I know, I know, I know. I’m a week late for Valentine’s Day content. But my timing has always sucked. Just ask my wife.

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

Letters to the Editor

Sunrise Rotary wishes to thank the parents, guardians and families of the 130-plus graduating seniors of the Boulder City High School class of 2013 for allowing us to entertain and care for your young folks at the all-night drug- and alcohol-free graduation party following the commencement exercise. The entire group, including the 25 Sunrise chaperones, enjoyed the venues and all safely arrived back at the high school around 6 a.m. June 6. Ask a graduate about his or her experience. We thank the entire community for supporting our annual WurstFest where proceeds fund the all-night grad party as well as helping to fund more than 30 other worthy community wide causes. We hope to see you in the park the last Saturday of September.

The steep price of silence

In 2005 after Congress intruded into a family dispute over life support for Theresa Schiavo, a Florida woman who was in a vegetative state, a Northern Nevada interfaith group called Clergy United for Moral Dialogue issued a statement denouncing Congress for exploiting a human tragedy.

Finding the source of that tired feeling is a challenge

Members of the senior class are more active than their predecessors, thanks to medical advancements and good health guidelines. However, aging does manifest itself with a slower gait, diminished muscle strength and an energy level that seems to get lower all the time. These are some typical signals that our bodies send out around the time of retirement.

BC schools by the numbers, not the hype

Boulder City residents like to pride themselves on the quality of the four public schools compared with the rest of the Clark County School District. You might say considering all the problems with the district, bragging about how good the schools are here comparatively is like bragging about having the tallest building in Topeka, Kan. Not really a strong pool to compare with.

Sandoval launches ‘Big Lie’ re-election campaign

The “Big Lie” is a propaganda technique embraced by the communists in which the offending party tells a whopper so “colossal” that the public would refuse to believe anyone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

BLM needs to realize roundups not working

I think I’ve finally found something cattle ranchers and horse huggers agree on: The Bureau of Land Management is doing it wrong.

Letters to the Editor

Every week when I read in the Boulder City Review the column by Officer Jeff Grasso it makes me smile. He has such a neat sense of humor that comes out in his writings, and it is one of the first things I head for in the paper after the Police Blotter, which also makes me smile.

1917: A key to Obama’s policies

One of the best ways to determine the intent of the Obama administration in its treatment of the press is by looking at the law it is using. It’s called the Espionage Act of 1917, and therein lies a tale.

Nevada Disabled American Veterans honor area employers

The Disabled American Veterans is one of the leading veterans service organizations in the state and the nation. Each year the Nevada DAV honors local employers that establish programs that reach out to veterans and seek to hire them for responsible jobs.

City presented good government award

Three times in six years. That is Boulder City’s current record as a winner of the Cashman Good Government Award, which it won for the most recent time last week.