Boulder City Planning Commission unanimously approved recommending several amendments to the city’s master plan regarding zone changes during its meeting Sept. 18.
City Government
The power outage that occurred in Boulder City late last week was the result of a faulted cable and not the delayed installation of the new transformer, according to a city official.
Boulder City Police Department is building its bond with community residents one whinny at a time.
A discussion about installing new athletic fields at a city park dominated a recent meeting about capital improvement projects.
Residents can now help in a new way with replacing the city pool after City Council officially established an advisory committee for the project.
Things are looking up for the cats recently rescued from a local animal hoarding situation as many have been adopted and more should be ready soon.
Bill Avery, a longtime employee of the Boulder City Police Department, was recognized nationally this week for his work on the local sex offender registry.
Boulder City has completed its contractual obligations for the recent Eldorado Valley waterline extension and will not have to do a third phase, according to city officials.
Boulder City residents will soon be able to view more city meetings online as City Council approved creating a new staff position to ensure that all the meetings are recorded.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power building in downtown Boulder City has a new coat of paint for the first time in more than 30 years.
A memo to staff about including an agenda item for forming a pool committee was not meant as a threat even though it was perceived that way by a former city councilman.
Boulder City residents will be able to hear proposals for the historic airport hangar property at Wednesday’s Historic Preservation Committee meeting.
The long-awaited complete Streets project to improve Boulder City Parkway began Monday and is expected to continue for 10 months.
Recent changes to the school zone signage along Adams Boulevard have caused confusion as to when the 15 mph limit applies to drivers.
As City Council members considered the formation of a committee to study construction of a new pool or repairing the existing facility, a former councilman encouraged them to discuss business in public “with the lights on.”