Spring sports are beginning soon, and Garrett Junior High School is excited to announce the addition of volleyball to its spring sports program, along with soccer.
Did you know Boulder City High School has a competition robotics team? We are Team 3009, the High Scalers, and we compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).
Mitchell Elementary School practices the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as a Leader In Me School. Years ago, when I first learned about the 7 Habits, the habit that captured my attention was to seek first to understand, then to be understood. This habit is about listening and so much more.
As a lifelong Nevada resident, Boulder City’s Karen Wilkes takes pride in the Silver State, which includes its colorful history.
While the staff and students at King have made huge strides in reading and math achievement over the past three years, there is still one subject that our students struggle with on state exams, science.
The first week of January not only marks the beginning of a new calendar year but also a new semester for students and staff at Boulder City High School. As we kick off the second semester, it’s time to hit the reset button and start anew.
When someone places graffiti on public or private property without consent, it is vandalism.
Last week, for the first time, Boulder City High School and Garrett Junior High bands joined forces for their winter concert at BCHS. The bands played for nearly two hours before more than 500 family members and friends. They played a variety of music, including several well-known Christmas songs.
It almost looked as though a new Boulder City Christmas tradition may not happen this year. But a local group stepped in at the last minute to save the day.
To say this is Charles Bullen Jr.’s busy time of the year may be a bit of an understatement.
Garrett JHS has a sensational Student Council and Leadership class, filled with highly motivated students and led by their dedicated teacher, Mrs. Christa May.
Wake up and smell the pumpkin spice! The holidays are coming and your home is about to go into overdrive. Now’s the time to knock out both seasonal home maintenance and holiday preparation, before the days get shorter and the to-do list gets longer.
The public is encouraged to come out to a free event, which features some of the top entertainers Boulder City has to offer.