“When I think about where we were with breast cancer 30 years ago and where we are now, the advances have just been remarkable: better diagnostics, better medical therapy, better surgical therapy, better radiation therapy, and most important, a better understanding of the disease,” said Dr. Larry Norton, founding member, Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Boulder City High School has had a long history of success when it comes to its sports programs and athletes, as evident by the somewhat-new Eagle sign entering town, which touts the school’s 134 team state championships.
Each year, the Clark County School District’s Department of Demographics and Zoning creates an enrollment projection for each school. The money that schools use to hire new teachers and purchase supplies over the summer is based on that student enrollment projection.
Most Americans (the adults, anyway) are aware that in the 1960s and early 70s the U.S. military doused service people in Vietnam and environs with poison chemicals that caused many illnesses and death.
Photos courtesy Anabel Smith
Garrett Junior High School is off to an incredible start this year, with exciting new programs, expanded opportunities for learning, and a dedicated team ready to support our students.
“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius
It’s that time of year again when triple digits fill the week’s weather forecast. We know with rising temperatures come rising utility bills (often accompanied by rising blood pressure, yikes).
The annual Boulder City High School Grad Walk was held this past Friday.
LEFT: Sophomore Delaney Loeslein gets some assistance during the class challenge of Hungry, Hungry Hippo at Friday’s BCHS year-end assembly.
Back in the days of my home-show appearances, attendees would often ask me the same kind of question—“Do you think I could renovate my own bathroom (kitchen, bedroom…)?” To which I would always answer, “Do you know how to replace a light switch?” That would always make them chuckle.
Test anxiety is a common concern for teachers, parents, and students, especially this time of year for King students as they prepare to take the state test for the first time.
It’s not out of the ordinary for journalists to sometimes leave the profession and try something new. Especially when they feel a family connection urging them to enter into a divergent field of employment. That’s what happened to one local individual.
The final weeks of school are some of the busiest weeks of the year.