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Letters to the Editor

Apology owed to council, preservation committee member

Letters to the Editor

Appointment showed council members’ hypocrisy

Letters to the Editor

Debate, not personal attacks, best way to discuss city issues

Letters to the Editor

Garrett students benefit from trip to Kidvention, devoted teacher

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Letters to the Editor

Wear red shirts to show support of our veterans

Letters to the Editor

Return American flag to water tower

Letter to the Editor

Tax reform needed in American for businesses to succeed

Letters to the Editor

Officials must pay attention to much-needed repairs

Letters to the Editor

Store helpful for those with limited incomes

Letters to the Editor

Informational rest area might attract visitors to city

Letters to the Editor

City should generate its own solar power

Letters to the Editor

Contest another sign of disrespect for theater, arts

Letters to the Editor

City’s early history lives on in Boulder City High School alumna

Letters to the Editor

Hansen’s experience, vision makes him ideal city manager

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