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Letters to the Editor

Return American flag to water tower

When my wife and I came to Boulder City 15 years ago, we were impressed by the friendly people and the beautiful landscape, but another thing that stood out was the water tower with the American flag painted on it. We would like to see the flag back on again. I am certain many residents and visitors would also like to see it.

We have now been residents of Boulder City for 15 years.

Walter Dearden

Time to speak up about utility rate hikes

Let’s face it, Boulder City residents are steaming about our recent utility hike. And get this, there are more to come.

Here are some suggestions on having your voice heard:

1. Councilman Warren Harhay’s initiative of having quarterly town hall meetings passed. The first meeting will be on Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. at the (Elaine K.) Smith building, 700 Wyoming St. The topic will be Boulder City utilities. The more voices heard, the better. Let’s demand a moratorium on any further hikes and an investigation into why we were inflicted with this hike in the first place.

2. File a complaint form with the attorney general’s office. You can reach them at 775-684-1100 to receive a form, or go online at www.ag.nv.gov. Under type of complaint, bureau of consumer protection and general investigations applies. In detailing your complaint, you might additionally consider the fact that the rates have resulted in increased revenue, yet our fund has the highest reserves it’s ever had. Additionally, the projects proposed do not appear to rise to the level of revenue that is being collected.

We all have a voice. We all have a vote. Things can change. It’s on us.

Linda Barnett

Behavior, not belief issue with government

The 300-word limit on letters does not provide much space to address another contributor’s column. I will do my best to respond to Nathaniel Gee, but first a disclaimer: I am Jewish. Because of the similarities between my beliefs and those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I consider them to be my first cousins. As Islam has its roots with Abraham, it follows that Muslims are my second cousins. Enough about religion.

What is at issue in Boulder City is not beliefs but behaviors. Compared to the community at large, members of the Latter-day Saints have held a disproportionate number of appointed/elected positions in local government. Does this mean that these folks are wiser, smarter, harder working or more moral than the rest of us? I seriously doubt that.

This last election marks the first time in six years that any candidate, much less two candidates, was elected without the financial backing of the Woodbury Family Trust and Stephen Kalish (whose company operates the dump). In the last election, Cam Walker spent $33 per vote, John Milburn $21, Kiernan McManus $9 and Warren Harhay $6. Money talks, but it does not always tell the truth.

If you think the members of the Latter-day Saints have always been saints, you should read Sally Denton’s book, “American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857.” Sally is the daughter of Ralph and Sara Denton. As to the involvement of the Latter-day Saints in politics, when you have a free evening, watch the documentary “8: The Mormon Proposition” (2010).

Unlike some religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts. While the covenant of Abraham is not required of everyone, it does require Jews to treat non-Jews with fairness, honesty and respect. This is the essence of the golden rule. It should also be the rule in Boulder City.

Dick Farmer

Lower taxes will also lower quality of life

This is a response to the nonsense letter by Jon Barth of Barth Electronics.

Dear Jon: Next time you write a letter to the editor, it would behoove you to do some research first. U.S. overall taxation is, in fact, the lowest of almost all industrialized countries. It is 26 percent of gross domestic product, well below the 34 percent of most other countries. Check with the World Economic Forum. I did it; you can, too.

The bad effects of low taxation can be found in Kansas. That state in 2012 enacted the largest tax cuts of any state. Those cuts did not result in a better economy. Kansas now has no revenue to pay for schools and infrastructure. It is billions of dollars in debt. Those tax cuts only benefited the wealthy. The poor and disadvantaged had to take the hit. Check with the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities.

Just last week I returned from a cross-country road trip. Our roads are a collection of potholes and poor maintenance. Kansas City has slums by the square mile. Please, Jon, no more misinformation from you. I get enough of that from our politicians.

Rudi Kraft

See David Copperfield but skip the bouillabaisse

Last week I interviewed Seth Grabel, a very talented magician, who now calls Boulder City home. He’s featured in this week’s edition on page 2.

A story of reconciliation amidst division

I keep going into the week when it is time for me to write a column with an idea that I know I want to write about but events keep pushing that idea further out into the future.

Who did more for veterans?

Did President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump do more for America’s veterans? It all depends how one keeps score: Introduce laws? Pass laws? Do large things, or many small things? Important things, or things that were not so important?Below are two examples according to Military.com.

Holy smokes!

Two weeks ago on June 25, I received messages from panicked individuals at the Elks Lodge RV Park stating that the Boulder City Fire Department had been conducting a controlled burn that had gotten out of control.

July is PR Month

For nearly 40 years, the nation has celebrated Park and Recreation Month in July to promote building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.

July 4 safety and awareness checklist

As we celebrate our great nation’s birthday, let’s run down this safety and awareness checklist so we can have a blast this 4th… but only the good kind.

“Be Kind, Be Boulder” this Fourth of July

Happy Birthday, America! Today, we celebrate an act of autonomy and sovereignty that happened in 1776, nearly 250 years ago: the Founding Fathers signing of the Declaration of Independence established this great nation. (It would be another 155 years before Boulder City’s founders arrived to construct Hoover Dam!)

Ensuring fire safety at Lake Mead

At Lake Mead National Recreation Area, our mission extends beyond preserving the natural beauty and recreational opportunities.

Independence Day in Boulder City

I was elected to the Boulder City council long ago. Believe me, there were more exciting events that occurred during city council meetings in the mid-to-late 1980s than there are at present. We had Skokie Lennon who arrived in the council meetings while standing at the back of the room. When he had something to say he would erupt with the statement “can you hear me?” Of course we could since he was the loudest person in the room. He would say what he had to say and then leave.

Nothing to fear

A June 13 letter by Norma Vally claimed Pride Month in Boulder City is an example of identity politics that will cause divisiveness in our safe, kind, and welcoming town. I cannot disagree more.