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Public Safety

Outbreak of lung injury associated with vaping

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners are investigating a multistate outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product-use-associated lung injury. As of Nov. 5, 39 deaths have been confirmed in 24 states and the District of Columbia.

Contest prizes dont require payments

Plenty of contests are run by reputable marketers and nonprofits, but every day people lose thousands of dollars to prize scams.

Police Blotter, Dec. 5

Nov. 26, 3:52 p.m.

The Latest
Police Blotter, Nov. 28

Nov. 19, 11:37 a.m.

Police Blotter, Nov. 21

Nov. 12, 3:52 a.m.

Scammers find new ways to trick people

Every week we receive calls about a new scam over the phone or internet. These are rarely “new” but refurbished oldies that are given a dust-up treatment and a few changes. I will spend the next few weeks examining them, in detail, so that you are prepared when you see or hear them. Be sure to pass the information on to your friends who may not have heard of them.

Emergency services no substitute for medical care

Many jurisdictions find they visit specific homes four or five times a week that utilize 911 more than 90 times a month. First responders know the route to those homes well.

Programs for mental health issues may reduce use of 911

Hand-in-hand with the 911 issue is the growing problem of mental health issues dissolving into law enforcement actions. Some towns and counties are partnering to revive a mental health program that aid frequent 911 callers and have saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. These programs assist in identifying why callers are frequently using the 911 system when an alternative is to be connected with nonprofits or veterans’ groups that can help them.

Police Blotter, Nov. 7

Oct. 29, 2:18 p.m.

Department and officers recognized by state agency

The Boulder City Police Department and two of its officers were recently recognized by the Nevada Department of Public Safety.

Police Blotter, Oct. 31

Oct. 22, 12:20 a.m.

Vaccine good defense against flu

For many people, the seasonal flu is a mild illness. But sometimes, the flu can be serious or even deadly.

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