Boulder City is in the process of getting a new auditor, as the audit review committee is recommending City Council approve an agreement with HintonBurdick CPAs & Advisors.
City Government
Creation of a new historic district that would honor the role aviation played in the city’s past has been proposed.
Three pools, including one designed for competition — along with racquetball courts, a fitness center and group exercise room — are featured in the design for a new aquatic facility that was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission during its Monday, March 26, meeting.
On Tuesday evening, City Council decided to hold more town hall meetings throughout the year and swore in new city manager, Al Noyola.
Boulder City has a new team leading the pool.
Upgrades to the city’s utilities were the primary focus of a nearly three-hour budget workshop held March 15.
The Boulder City Police Department is implementing an off-highway vehicle program to provide effective coverage for the desert areas around town.
Recycle. Repurpose. Renew. That is the theme of the city’s first Big Clean event, being held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in the parking lot adjacent to Bravo Field.
City Council is moving forward with changing Boulder City’s election cycle.
City Council relied on expert opinion and, in a divided vote, approved the final map for a new subdivision in town.
The final design of the complete streets project for Boulder City Parkway could be finished by spring, with construction starting as early as fall, according to a city official.
Boulder City now has two key leadership positions filled despite a divided vote by City Council members.
City Council is moving forward with several ballot questions for the 2018 election, seeking locals opinions on refinancing debt, land sales and purchasing a new fire engine.
A Las Vegas developer could break ground on a Boulder City subdivision in a couple weeks.
Boulder City’s fiscal 2019 budget is projected to be more than $1 million larger than its 2018 budget.