Nobody is perfect. I get it. What I don’t get is why so many people of all ages refuse to accept facts or ignore them when presented. What do we gain by doing this? What do we lose?
As winter gives way to spring’s sunny and warmer days, the fruit trees in my backyard have begun to bloom.
My boxing gloves were laced perfectly, my headgear correctly adjusted and my mouthpiece properly inserted, but nothing helped me anticipate the quick jab to my face. I was a 47-year-old police recruit; my opponent was 21 and pure muscle. Needless to say, I saw stars for a moment and reeled a bit, but I quickly punched back, much to the surprise of a training officer, and finished the round. (No outward signs of a concussion or other injury. I am certain I would have won a best-of-three round bout.)
“What happens here, only happens here.” You may have heard that is the new slogan of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. The slogan was developed by the advertising agency R&R Partners. That firm is the same one that created the very successful slogan “What happens here, stays here.” I believe the new slogan has a very good chance of being at least as successful while highlighting the unique services and qualities that Las Vegas has to offer.
In April of last year, I wrote a column in which I announced that my wife, Amy Garcia, and I would be moving to Austin, Texas, to live near our two daughters. We also announced this life-changing news to Romeo, Bold Boulder, Beta Sigma Phi Preceptor Chapter, the Boulder City Stamp Club, Meals on Wheels, my weekly poker game, my numerous doctors and 45-50 of Amy’s closest friends, not to mention our families in Texas, Iowa and California.
My father had a number of talents. Professionally he was a policeman, chief of police and later an attorney. Unbeknownst to many he was also a craftsman and hobbyist. He was big proponent of developing multiple talents.
Opinions abound about what should be done with the old water filtration plant.
Why do we do what we do? And, on the other hand, why don’t we do certain things? Rough questions to answer, but here are some thoughts to chew on.
Democratic strategist James Carville declared the economy was the utmost political issue almost 30 years ago. His analysis is still correct today.
As a 28-year Boulder City resident, 35-year pilot and six-year Airport Advisory Committee member, I feel it is important that Boulder City residents understand what’s going on at our airport with regard to hangars and land leases nearing expiration.
There was a commercial played during the Super Bowl on Sunday about pizza delivery from Little Caesars being the next best thing since sliced bread. The announcement put everyone at the Sliced Bread Headquarters into a tizzy and caused a major upset in operations as they tried to find a way to outdo the new delivery service.
What does it mean when someone says one solution or another is “the best solution”? It is usually said to suggest that a particular outcome is what everyone should work toward.
If you are like me and, I think, most Boulder citizens, you don’t know much about that golf course on the north side of the highway as you head out to Railroad Pass. If you’re looking closely in the morning, you will see a pretty 418-foot waterfall in the hills and you might also notice that there is a series of clusters of tall palm trees. Since palms are not native to this part of the world you might cleverly deduce that these denote the various greens on the golf course.