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Vinny’s Pizzeria faces ‘Impossible’ challenge

There is no doubt that Vincenzo “Vinny” Cimino loves his family, his community and his work. It was on full display for thousands of people to see when his restaurant, Vinny’s Pizzeria, was featured on a recent episode of “Restaurant Impossible” on the Food Network.

Teen’s passion is helping save lives

In July of 2012, 6-year-old Abby Rodriguez was at the Boulder City Pool participating in a level 1 water safety class when one of her fellow classmates, Eve Stuart, let go of the pool wall and was in danger of drowning. Thinking quickly, Rodriguez acted on her instincts and rescued the 5-year-old before lifeguard Judith Holt intervened.

Vacations leave homes vulnerable

It’s time to go on vacation. Bags packed, car loaded, you lock the door and think — is my house going to be OK while I’m gone? A lot can happen to a house at any time, but especially when no one’s there to handle a sudden problem. Considering most burglaries occur in summer months there’s even more reason to take pause.

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Plants grow best in soil free of rocks

Q. Large rocks are difficult to dig out, let alone remove from a hole. But large rocks improve the drainage of water. Don’t know if large rocks are typical for most backyards in the (Las) Vegas Valley. I usually add fast-acting gypsum to the bottom of the hole and water it in for a couple of weeks, letting it dry between soakings. The previous gardener added soil and planted on top of the rocks.

Strong winds damage tender leaves

Q. I have two Red Push Chinese pistache trees planted about three years ago and doing well. Recently one was shocked and I’m not sure what happened. This occurred almost overnight. I gave it a few extra gallons of water and added two drippers to each plant. I don’t use any Roundup or anything like that. Can it be saved?

Trading cards honor U.S. military heroes

Hero Cards picture deceased veterans of all U.S. wars, serving to educate future generations and instill gratitude while honoring the fallen.

Davidson celebrates 100th birthday at senior center

With childlike incredulity, Gwen Davidson was surprised over and over Friday afternoon as friends at the Senior Center of Boulder City stopped by to wish her a happy 100th birthday.

Water safety focus of worldwide swimming lesson

If there is one thing that Cheree Brennan is passionate about, it’s making sure everyone is safe “in, around and on the water.”

Toddler helps raise cultural awareness

With his dancing blue eyes and impish grin, it’s easy to see why Braxton Ott caught the attention of others.

Meals on wheels: More food trucks hitting streets as entrepreneurs see new chances

The school bus parked outside of some Henderson breweries four days a week is no ordinary bus. Walk a bit closer, and onlookers will find an open window, with arms reaching out to hand slices of Detroit-style pizza to eager customers.

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