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Good negotiations can lead to better deals

Shortly after I was married I left the country for the first time. I walked approximately 100 yards into Mexico visiting little shops and street vendors. While I had heard the phrase “everything is negotiable,” this was my first true experience with it. Everything you saw was for sale and everything was truly negotiable.

Grey’s ‘Rider’ unmasks philosophy about destiny

Zane Grey, one of the first self-published authors, had a career that exceeded 89 books and $40 million in revenue. His work went from print to motion picture format on more than one occasion. One of the movies based on a Grey book was first titled “The Mysterious Rider” before being retitled as “The Fighting Phantom” in 1933. The movie was filmed at Hoover Dam, bringing actors Kent Taylor and Lona Andre through Boulder City.

Holistic treatments help many veterans

Last year in one of my columns, I briefly discussed holistic medicine and efforts that the Department of Veterans Affairs had been taking to include such treatments in its care of veterans. Since then, the VA has made some additional efforts to include nontraditional treatments.

Who needs, should help simply matter of perspective

With every new president comes a new debate on taxes. And you cannot have a good tax debate without talking about the 1 percent. And anyone can see why.

Action behind opinion sets city apart from others

For more than two decades, I’ve been getting to know Boulder City folks. I baked, cooked and waited on them at local restaurants. I reported news to them. I served them as foundation director at Boulder City Hospital. I worked as Boulder City’s public information officer. I ran for City Council and continue to be involved in city issues and volunteer organizations.

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Legacy of service does not go unnoticed

This Veterans Day, appreciative citizens will reach out to thank military veterans for their service and sacrifice. The day prior, Nov. 10, will be the 242nd birthday of the United States Marine Corps. (Marines have two birthdays, their date of birth and Nov. 10).

Hoover Dam often doubles as Cupid

In 1996, Academy Award-nominated actress Salma Hayek filmed a Columbia Pictures movie titled “Fools Rush In” with Emmy Award-nominated actor Matthew Perry at Hoover Dam.

Giving thanks daily uplifts our attitudes

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so lately I’ve been asking Boulder City residents what they’re thankful for. Responses have included waffles, hugs, real grass, ice skating, friends, Jesus, back massages, fall weather, good jobs, dedicated coaches, a talented art teacher, cousins, pets, the Constitution, practically perfect sisters, mom, a hair dresser and more.

Historic preservation needs clear goals, cooperative spirit

The Boulder City Community Alliance has found its next goal. It wants to pass an ordinance that will better protect historic buildings in Boulder City.

City needs a commission with utility

Boulder City has utility problems. Not in one arena, but all over. This is no secret.

City can’t escape its ties to horror

It’s almost Halloween. Little ghosts, goblins and ghouls will soon be out in full force as they try to leave a haunting impression on neighbors brave enough to hand out candy. While the tricks and treats will be in good spirit, there are two Hollywood actors with spooky connections to Boulder City’s own annual Dam Short Film Festival.

Gallery helps veterans explore their feelings through art

Artist and businesswoman Chris Frausto used to reside in Boulder City and owned an art gallery here. It was located on a corner, so it was not considered unusual when she named it the Corner Gallery.

In wake of tragedy, remember heroic acts, good in world

On Oct. 1, with one gruesome and cowardly act, Stephen Paddock made himself a household name and ensured that his legacy would not be short-lived. While this villain acted alone, the heroes surrounding this incident did not. Hundreds of ordinary men and women have shown that deep down they are heroes, including some right here in Boulder City. One of those is Bryan Reid. At one point, Bryan was progressing toward an accounting degree at one of the top accounting universities in the nation. He was on the path to a successful career, but there was one problem: He was bored. His father-in-law came to visit him and, hearing his situation, told him, “You don’t belong at a desk job. You should be in the medical field.” The advice hit home.

Slain officer led heroic life

The aftermath of the Las Vegas carnage left many of us hurting — spiritually, mentally, emotionally or in combination(s) thereof.