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Letterss to the editor

Election results, infrastructure needs not surprising

Regarding Dennis Myers’ (Oct. 30) column and infrastructure.

I do not find it surprising that Mitt Romney had 6.68 percent in Nevada, considering the number of Mormons in Nevada, which is also notable in our own town council and job positions, as well as the caucus held throughout the years.

Regarding the infrastructure, we are quite aware of how the utility funds were spent and also that such work should have begun in the 1990s.

The suing of people who started petitions was ridiculous and I am quite sure most Boulderites knew it.

I pray that the rumors I have heard that we will have only one grocery store or that the recently built arch will have to be rebuilt are not true.

Laura Smith

Elks seek donations to feed the needy during holidays

We appreciate all of the donations to the Boulder City Elks Lodge, No. 1682, in the past. We have used every turkey you dropped off at the lodge to help feed the needy in our community.

In the next few days you will be seeing donation jars in local Boulder City stores for donations for our Christmas basket fund. It may seem early to be putting them out, however donations have decreased dramatically during the past few years because of the economy.

As you may know, the Elks lodge opens its doors on Thanksgiving to the needy and passes out almost 300 Christmas food boxes to unfortunate families in our community. During the next two months that will be many mouths being fed.

We are desperately seeking donations so that we do not have to reduce the number of boxes we hand out this year at Christmas or how many deserving people we can invite to a nice hot turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

Emergency Aid of Boulder City has notified us to expect more requests than ever this year. Please help us with your generous donations.

You can send checks to: Boulder City Elks Lodge 1682, P.O. Box 60456, Boulder City, NV 89006.

Thanks so much for giving back to Boulder City.

Al Closi,

Chairman Christmas basket donations

Bicycle thieves targeting middle school students

My name is Zachary Adkins and I have already had one of my bikes stolen and it was terrible. Now, there have been a bunch of bikes stolen from Garrett Middle School.

Isn’t there anything that can be done with all the cameras that are at the school? Maybe watch the film and catch the thieves. They even stole bikes that had locks on them. Now, I’m afraid to ride my bike to school because I don’t want it stolen like my other one.

Like me and my dad always say, there is nothing worse than liars, thieves, druggies or drunks.

But if there’s anything I can do or my Cub Scout Troop, Pack 12, can do, let me know please.

Zachary Adkins,

Soaring Eagle Patrol, Pack 12, Webelos

The Boulder City Review welcomes letters to the editor. Send submissions to Hali Bernstein Saylor, Boulder City Review, 508 Nevada Way, Suite 1, Boulder City, NV 89005, or hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com.


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A close call