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Opposed to OHV discussion

Opposed to OHV discussion

This is in regard to the once-settled OHV on city streets issue. This was voted down by 56% of Boulder City residents in 2019. I always thought that NO meant NO, but here we are again. The council members for this bad idea are Fox and Booth, while Walton and Jorgensen thought the matter was settled.

The people in favor of this are saying that only certain streets will be affected. This is an out-and-out lie. While there may be only certain streets officially designated for access to the desert, like Utah, Wyoming, Buchanan, and several others, you will be allowed to go from your residence to any of the aforementioned streets. This means that every street in town where there are private residences, you would be able to drive your OHV from your house to a desert access road. Police Chief Shea even admitted enforcement may be difficult.

The law states that OHV use is prohibited within 1,000 feet of a developed residential area. A perfect example of this is Georgia Avenue where OHVs, motorcycles, and even an occasional four-wheel-drive pickup drive considerably closer than the 1,000 feet. The people have spoken, let’s leave it the way it is.

Jerry Berg,

Boulder City

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