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Letters to the Editor

Support of art guild missing

Where's the support?

Saturday evening a wonderful event was held at the Boulder City Art Guild, "Celebrate the Seasons." Not only was there exceptional art on display, the artists themselves attended and amazing door prizes given, but the guild was showcasing the opportunity to win two tickets to the Downton Abbey Tea being held at the Wynn Resort on Dec. 19, a $220 value.

A half page ad was placed in this newspaper paper and approximately 125 invitations were sent. Not only was our mayor, City Council, city attorney, city clerk and city department heads invited, but local business owners and organization officers were on the guest list. Not one of these invitees attended. Did they all have other plans? Were they all out of town? Were they all sick or have some other excuse for not making a showing?

When it was announced at a Redevelopment Agency meeting that the Winter ArtFest was going to be held, one of the City Council members spoke out in favor of it and that perhaps it could be a signature event for Boulder City during the month of November. He didn't show and neither did any city employees or chamber employees show.

Boulder City "leaders" should be ashamed for not supporting city organizations.

Marilyn Kohr


Alberstons donation appreciated

I want to say thank you to Russ Dodge, manager at Albertsons, on behalf of Quail Ridge Manor for your donation for a Thanksgiving dinner for our residents.

Cora Taylor,



Old grocery store could become events center

The Henderson Haggen/Vons grocery store are reopening. The Boulder City Haggen (Vons) grocery store should reopen as a convenience store. This would include a deli with tables and chairs, pizza and Vons products, including soft drinks and bread.

The other 50 percent of the building could be used for events. Boulder City needs an events center.

These are concerns expressed to me by Boulder City families.

Archibald Crawford


Thank you, BCR

A close call