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Letters to the Editor

Collecting loose carts helps in recovery

A giant thank you to all of you who do not put your shopping carts back in the racks, and leave them loose in the parking lot for the wind to blow.

Yes, I say thank you.

My doctor has asked me to do a little more walking as part of my recovery. I now have added steps to my walking every time I go to the store. I retrieve loose carts and return them to the racks, even if I don't need a cart.

Win Win: Saves someones car from being hit and I get to walk more.

Again, thank you.

Christy Springgate-Hill

Taxpayers need last word on increase

The Chuck Muth article in the Boulder City Review on Oct. 22 is one that every Nevada resident should read and pay attention to. It's about the judicial system collapse in the country that is determined to keep voters from voting on any attempt to put a stop to massive tax raises being implemented.

In trying to repeal the Nevada tax, the judge is perfectly willing to ignore the law, knowing that the law prevented him from proceeding. Nevertheless, wanting to rule against the repeal, he was so desperate to rule that he asked the attorneys for those wanting to raise taxes if they thought he could hold hearings — even though he acknowledged the law said he could proceed no further.

It's the law that counts, not the attorneys' opinions.

The taxpayers should have the last word on the state's largest tax raise in history. This came from a governor who campaigned on no new taxes, under any circumstances, and (said he would) veto any tax increase.

Just as they did in skewing the law that is very clear and very short, and could not be interpreted as subsidies and tax credits specifically designed to prevent the government from infringing on state's rights.

But lo and behold, in order to negate the law, they rendered the decision based on their opinion. This is not what the writers meant. It was interesting to see how they managed to ignore the law.

Why a roundabout to compound the truck route disaster? It's government money.

Al Wengert

Service, friendship by store's employees appreciated

Thank you all Boulder City's Vons/Haggen employees for the many years of great service and friendships. You have each been a jewel to our community and always made it a delight to shop at the store.

Wishing you all onward and upward, which you certainly deserve.

It's been a special pleasure knowing each one of you throughout the years.

Many thanks.

Linda Barnett

Community support makes Leach fund events a success

On behalf of the Dan Leach Memorial Fund, we would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our cause at the Cocktail Walk and the sixth annual Dan Leach Memorial Fund Golf Tournament. It was a great weekend, and we are so thankful to have such gracious support from everyone.

A big thank you to our Cocktail Walk sponsors: The Dillinger Food and Drinkery, Milo's Cellar, Boulder Dam Brewing Co., Evan's Old Town Grille, Jack's Place and The Scratch House. All of your support allowed us to surpass our fundraising goal, and we are proud to say we have now honored over $78,000 in grants dedicated to the Boulder City community.

Congratulations to the winners of the sixth annual Dan Leach Memorial Fund Golf Tournament: Doug Lee, Dusty Craddock, Travis McComb and Todd Imboden.

Laura Leach and board members of the Dan Leach Memorial Fund

Is roundabout the answer for Boulder City?

The October mailer (from Boulder City) promotes a roundabout with information originating in a Federal Highway Administration publication that relies heavily on foreign data and some U.S. single lane roundabout data from 1997-1999.

So let's Look at some FHWA findings in that publication: "In particular, single-lane roundabouts have been found to perform better than two-way stop-controlled ... intersections in the U.S"... and "... double-lane roundabouts introduce additional conflicts ..."

A double-lane roundabout would be required at the Adams Boulevard-Veterans Memorial Drive intersection.

"Signalized intersections ... reduce ... likelihood of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts ... compared with dual-lane roundabouts."

Dual-lane roundabouts are less safe for pedestrians.

"... situations involving complex speed-distance judgments ... are more problematic for older drivers. ... Older drivers have difficulties ... (in) ... novel driving situations ..."

About one-third of our residents 19-65 are 65 or older.

"... roundabout design places a high priority on speed reduction and speed consistency. Such designs require that vehicles negotiate the roundabout through a series of turning maneuvers at low speeds, generally less than 30 km/h (20 mph)."

Speed limits would need to be significantly lowered.

"Crash reductions are generally for sites where roundabouts were selected to replace problem intersections.

Is the intersection a problem intersection?

"The National Cooperative Highway Research Program reported that average construction cost of 14 U.S. roundabouts was approximately $250,000, (BLS 2015 inflation-adjusted to $365,000)" and "The service life of a roundabout is ... approximately 25 years, compared with 10 years for a typical signal."

The annual energy cost savings without signals is $10,000 or $250,000 over 25 years. Planning, design, construction and maintenance costs of a roundabout would need to be less than $250,000 to be cost-effective regardless of the money source.

The devil might be the details on this issue. Other safety issues, such as the hard to see crossing signals on Nevada Way might be one.

Tom Marvin


Thank you, BCR

A close call