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Letters to the Editor

Military should make enough to pay for own tickets

I appreciate Capt. Carlitos Rayos' philanthropic endeavor to help transport the 137th Military Police home for Christmas but I'm confused about the inability of the troops to pay for their own transportation since they make much more money than I did while serving.

As an eight-year Vietnam era Marine, we always saved enough of our meager salary to pay our way home when on leave. Never, during Christmas, did the military expect us to eat peanut butter sandwiches but always provided great chow, even in the field.

If true respect for the military is to be shown, let's return to the draft when all, rich and poor, served their country. We'll make fewer wars when all mothers and fathers lose their children in senseless engagements and not leave the burden to the lower socioeconomic class.

Pat Kelso


Survival of hotel essential to city

I was very excited and pleased to see the story in the Boulder City Review that our Boulder City Museum has paid down its huge debt. The museum has always been a passion of mine, and it looks like there is much to celebrate.

Over the many years (since 1959) that I have lived in Boulder City, the hotel has been owned by many groups, and almost closed many times due to shortage of funds. When the Boulder City Museum and Historical Association took it over as its largest artifact, it again fell on hard times. But due to the generosity and hard work of many in Boulder City, it has survived.

Can anyone in Boulder City fathom seeing the Boulder Dam Hotel boarded up? It is the center of the town and, unfortunately, many people have taken it for granted that it is there, but have no idea what it has taken to keep the beautiful old building alive.

I want to thank the Giroux family and the Urban Jungle, as well as many volunteers and the hard work done by staff. Wouldn't it be great if every family in Boulder City would drop off a donation to the desk at the hotel to help completely pay off the debt?

Remember it is a tax deduction and for a great cause.

Sara Denton


Thank you, BCR

A close call