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Letters to the Editor

Thanks to pool staff for making accommodations

I would like to thank the city of Boulder City, Parks and Recreation Department, specifically two of the finest men who work for the department, Jake Andersen and Roger Hall, who tirelessly worked with me to accommodate my disabilities after a severe accident that left me very limited in what physical activities I could do to heal.

I have a long history in Boulder City, being born here and raising my children in my hometown. I remember when the pool was put in and have many happy memories of them learning how to swim as babies and jumping off the high dive when they were 3 years old. It has always been a top notch program for children at our pool; however, it has many limitations when accommodating persons with disabilities.

Jake and Roger met with me and assisted with the beginnings of my recovery by making a slight modification to the pool so I could enter/exit and do the exercises safely that I so desperately need to do, thus allowing me to begin the very long healing process. It is not an easy road and includes intense pain, but it was the only one with my severe limitations that I could do, under doctors orders.

There is no other facility in Boulder City where anyone can go to for recreational swimming for our youth, exercise for seniors and others, or for rehabilitation for those of us who have suffered injuries or illness and need very low-impact water exercise to recover.

The benefits surpass just feeling good after doing what keeps us healthy. It fights off depression and illnesses that is overpowering our veterans, as well. We have so many veterans in our fair city who could use the accommodations that an updated facility could bring. I hope that soon we will have a facility that can improve the quality of life for all our residents, offering something good for everyone.

A special thanks goes out to all of the wonderfully kind ladies and gentlemen who attend the morning exercise classes. I know that I have been a bit in your way, but with your willingness to share your space, I am on the road to recovery. Your kindness gave me hope and was an answered prayer for someone who felt very alone when I first started my pool physical therapy.

While at the pool I have watched the two dedicated teachers, and I apologize for not knowing their names. I am amazed by their love for their craft and the dedication they both have to their many blessed students.

A big thank you to everyone for assisting and inspiring me when I needed it most. I encourage everyone who has any challenge with using the pool facilities to approach Jake or Roger to help them get the accommodations and assistance they need to fully participate in the many wonderful activities offered at the Boulder City pool.

Terri Beaver


Roundabout is a fantastic idea

I read the article in the Boulder City Review regarding the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Veterans Memorial Drive and Adams Boulevard and decided to share my input on the proposal.

I believe a roundabout at this intersection is a fantastic idea. I drive through this intersection at least 10 times per week on my way to and from my job in Las Vegas. Not a week does go by without me having to avoid being struck by vehicles turning from the inside left turn lane from southbound Veterans Memorial Drive into the outside eastbound travel lane of Adams Boulevard.

A roundabout would effectively eliminate this scenario from occurring in the future. Also, a roundabout at this intersection would slow down the "Top Gun" tour pilots who see Veterans Memorial Drive as a long open speedway to race down on their way to the airport early every morning.

Once residents get used to the roundabout, the advantages of it over the traditional traffic light intersection would be welcomed.

On a lighter note, it appears Councilman (Duncan) McCoy did his research on roundabouts by viewing the movie "National Lampoon's European Vacation." I have driven through several roundabouts throughout the West and have never seen a derelict vehicle, with the skeletal remains of its driver located inside, from it being driven into a roundabout and then was never able to get back out.

Very truly yours.

Jim Reed

Editor's note: This letter was addressed to Scott Hansen, public works director.


Police officer's kindness appreciated

Lately, it seems we are bombarded with news about the latest violent acts and displays of hatred against police officers. Well, I would like to share an act of kindness that I witnessed involving Boulder City Police officer John Daly.

Officer Daly noticed that a clerk at a local gas station was suffering from back pain. After leaving the gas station, he immediately came to my office (Total Health Chiropractic) and paid (out of his own pocket) for a chiropractic treatment for the clerk so that she could obtain some relief.

Not too many people would do something like that, and I wanted his kindness to be recognized. In addition, I think all police officers should be reminded that most people truly appreciate the difficult job that they do every day.

Jill Potter


Mesothelioma needs to be considered

Down the road in Boulder City:

Hak! Koff! Koff!

Summer cold?

No, just my mesothelioma acting up, again.

Ray Collins


Roundabout funds better spent on signal

I would like to submit the following input on the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Adams Boulevard and Veterans Memorial Drive as recommend by City Council.

1. Why replace a state-of-the-art traffic light at a three-way intersection at the edge of the city with a roundabout that causes confusion for everyone, including our older citizens.

2. I have never observed an accident at this location since its inception. We travel through this location several times a week. How many accidents have happened at this location?

3. It appears maybe the tour companies using the airport would benefit the most from this project. Also, we have many people using Veterans Memorial Drive going to the veterans cemetery (Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery) who will not be familiar with the roundabout.

4. What about the cost? Replace a state-of-the-art signal with a roundabout because you can get a grant from the feds. This is not free money; it goes to the national debt.

5. Anyone who has traveled in Europe or the U.S. and has encountered roundabouts generally has had a bad experience getting through them. Do we need this in our small town environment with many retired people?

However, we do have a serious work-hour traffic problem at the four-way intersection at Adams Boulevard and Buchanan Boulevard. This location has only four-way stop signs.

This intersection becomes quite hazardous when left turns are made with traffic at all four locations. This intersection has has a number of accidents over the years.

Also, children use this location to get to school and other activities. What is the criteria needed to get a traffic light at this location when they can replace a perfectly good signal?

Let's put money for a stop signal at a location that really needs one.

Ernie Eskam




Thank you, BCR

A close call