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Letters to the Editor

Historic buildings could help city survive

When the highway to the dam was expanded and the new Nevada Department of Transportation sign went up at Buchanan Boulevard and U.S. Highway 93 leading tourists away from the heart of the city, businesses suffered. And, business is still not what it was prior to the sign.

Now we are awaiting the new bypass. What will happen to business then? The few tourists we do have coming through town contribute. Now they're going to be reduced even further. There are those opposed to tourists, but businesses need them and tourism contributes to the bottom line and supports the city itself. The city attracts tourists as it is historic and the gateway to the dam.

The Boulder City Historic District was entered on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. At that time the district encompassed 514 buildings and structures, most of which were constructed between 1931 and 1942. (How many of those are still standing?) Why is the city so anxious to allow developers to come in and tear down historic buildings?

The old Six Cos. hospital is on the chopping block and the old Browder building has narrowly escaped razing since developer Charles Lawson changed his mind with all the unrest about the hospital. Thank you, Mr. Lawson!

Years ago, the old photo lab was in the midst of being dismantled until attention was called to the fact that it was historic. Demolition ceased and it was rebuilt. And, what is so crazy is that Boulder City has a historic preservation committee that has absolutely no power in that all it can do is make suggestions. There's no compromises, nothing, nada, zip! Should a developer disagree, he or she can do exactly as they wish. And, the city does exactly as it wishes given our recent history and issues faced currently.

And, what's with the water and power building? This building is an excellent example of late Spanish Colonial Revival architecture and is a key element within the historic district. Its neglect hardly reflects a good image for the city.

Boulder City has an opportunity to create a meaningful historic little city that will draw tourists but I see nothing that the city is doing to try and promote that. And how much impact does our chamber of commerce have? Is the "away for a day" promotion (if that even still exists) suppose to supplant what we are in the process of losing?

The new monumental entrance to the business section of town (which is the historic section) will mean nothing if Boulder City continues to allow destruction of its historic buildings.

Marilyn S. Burger

Air near schools should be monitored for asbestos

We have known for almost two years that this town was built on naturally occurring asbestos. Our state health department suppressed the geologists' research with a threat of legal action; they did not want people to panic! We still have no monitoring devices in town to measure exactly what we are being exposed to so we have no way to judge how concerned we should be. The scientists argue about how the risk should be assessed.

People are skeptical about the health risk, they don't know anyone who has died from mesothelioma. Prolonged exposure to asbestos can cause many different diseases such as cancer of the lungs, larynx and ovaries, depressed immune function, and other disorders. Not every one who is exposed gets sick. Unless you worked in a shipyard your doctor is probably not going to order the extra testing to establish a link with asbestos.

Our elected officials seem to be doing nothing. Of course, there are economic concerns, but at the very least we should be monitoring the air in the playgrounds at the elementary schools adjacent to an asbestos outcropping. We have a moral responsibility to those children.

There was a very informative meeting organized by a group of local citizens on Sept. 1. Strangely enough none of our City Council members attended.

If you want to learn more, you can watch a video of the meeting and get more information on the website www.naturalasbestos.net.

Nicola Collins

City streets do not need to be watered

As I went to the post office this morning at 6 a.m., I see that once again the city is watering the sidewalks and streets — from Government Park (now Wilbur Square Park) to the Bank of America.

City people: Concrete and blacktop do not grow even when you add water.

Our water situation is serious; citizens are admonished about wasting it.

It's time for you to pay attention and fix and adjust sprinklers.

Lovina Rebman


Thank you, BCR

A close call