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Letters to the editor

Businesses, community’s generosity helps Lend A Hand

On Thursday, Nov. 13, Lend A Hand celebrated 25 years serving Boulder City. We would like to thank the following businesses for donated gifts/items:

Ace Hardware, Bella Salon, Black Canyon/Willow Beach River Adventures, Bloom Vintage Designs, Boulder Bowl, Boulder City Golf Course, Club Fitness, Complete Auto Service, The Dillinger, Evan’s Old Town Grille, Family Barber, Fightlinez — Bootleg Canyon, Fisher Space Pens, Fox Barbecue, Jack’s Place, Milo’s Cellar, Pit Stop, Stefani’s Pest Control, Strawberry Creek Collection, Taco Bell and Toto’s Mexican Restaurant.

We often hear of the generosity of the businesses in Boulder City. I don’t think thanks can be said enough! Lend A Hand greatly appreciates the help these businesses gave in our saying thank you to our volunteers. These volunteers offer thousands of hours and thousands of driving miles to help the seniors and disabled residents in our city. Being able to say thank you to them with gifts made our night of appreciation better.

And finally, on Dec. 6 we announced the winners of our 25th anniversary raffle fundraiser at the Christmas parade. The winners are David Graham, Lee Hagen and Tery Lovell.

Because of the generous donations from Scenic Grand Canyon Airlines donating the Indian adventure tour for two, 5 Star Grand Canyon Helicopter donating the Las Vegas VIP night strip helicopter tour for tour and Serenity Helicopters donating Sky Dancer landing and picnic tour for two our fundraising needs were met above our hopes.

Lend A Hand is grateful to all who supported and made the raffle possible. Again, saying thank you doesn’t express our gratitude!

Christina Lodge

Program director, Lend A Hand

Phyllis Bachhuber


Lower gas prices good indication of political leadership

On Nov. 7 I paid $3.42 per gallon for gas. Today, 30 days after the second leg of the three-headed monster dictatorship (President Barack Obama-Sen. Harry Reid-Rep. Nancy Pelosi) was dethroned, I paid $2.21 a gallon. I drove down the street a half mile only to see it at $2.17.

Before anyone buys into the novelty of the first woman president (Hillary Clinton), remind yourself of all that money you threw down the toilet over the past seven years because of high gas prices.

I have nothing against the idea of a woman president.

I’d vote for Sarah Palin or someone of her values in a heartbeat.

It’s time for the silent majority to take our country back. Leave the experiments in the ninth-grade science classroom where they belong. We may not recover from the last novelty.

Larry Hunt


Thank you, BCR

A close call