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Letters to the editor

Shakespeare festival should become annual event

A big thank you to S. Lynn Schofield-Dahl, director of the Boulder City Library, and all those involved in the Boulder City Shakespeare Festival at our library this past weekend.

So much went into this marvelous production. Bravo to all participants, and we hope it will become an annual Boulder City event. We’ll certainly look forward to it!

Linda Barnett

Republican victories not given enough recognition

Isn’t it ironic that although the Republicans won the majority in both houses of the state Legislature plus all six constitutional offices in last week’s election, a feat that has not occurred since 1929, that there was no mention of this fact in last week’s Boulder City Review on pages 1-5? But on page 6, the banner headline read “Democrats retain control of county posts.” The Republican victories were buried deep into the story.

Do you suppose there might be some bias?

Also, on the editorial pages, there are four or five columnists weekly and only one of the regulars could be described as conservative. There are several excellent columnists in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, who might be available for a column in the Boulder City Review. I would certainly appreciate a better balance in this newspaper.

Gloria Hall

St. Christopher’s thanks community for support bazaar

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church extends appreciation to all individuals and businesses for their support and generosity in providing raffle prizes and/or gift certificates for our Nov. 8 bazaar. All proceeds go to outreach and church projects.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Ace Hardware, Alpaca Imports, Amanda Bjoerge, Anne Karr, Avon Products, Boulder City Florist, Boulder City Golf Course, Boulder Creek Golf Course, Boulder Dam Hotel, Carolyn Rehder, Choloe and Clair Christian, The Coffee Cup, Cynthia Dunleavy, D. Rose, Dam Short Film Festival, Darryl Martin, Donna Rybarger, Donna Raney, Dr. Eldon Clothier, Evan’s Old Town Grille, Fantastic Sams, Happy Hoekenga, Home Hardware, Jack’s Place Bar &Grill, Joan Arasmith, JoAnn Lindsay, Jody Tilman, Kerri Freeman of Blis Salon, Little City Grille, Lois Bush, Mara Bundza, Mary Ann Venghaus, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Mexican Western Center, Patty Jacobson, Pit Stop, Pot of Gold, Sabina Duke, Sandy Christensen, Sher-Lo’s Florist, Sherman’s House of Antiques, Shirley Putz, Sinclair Gas Station, Starbucks, Southwest Diner, Vinny’s Pizza, Vons and Zaga’s Beauty Salon.

Jody Tilman

Fire department earns thanks for its work

Thank you to Chief Kevin Nicholson and the Boulder City firefighters for their efforts at the fire at 641 Nevada Way Friday.

Donald Shapiro


Thank you, BCR

A close call