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Letters to the Editor

Downtown needs more

places to park

This week’s Boulder City Review is again reporting on changing the name of Nevada Highway leading toward Boulder City to something more suggestive of, well, Boulder City, with the goal of getting more tourists to stop on their way from California to other parts of Nevada or Arizona. I’m all for anything that increases business to our town, but everyone seems to be ignoring the elephant in the room, namely insufficient parking exacerbated when the local employees use the street parking spaces while they’re working.

There have been many times when I’ve driven downtown to get a sandwich or something at lunch time, only to find parking impossible. I usually end up frustrated and going home or parking and hiking back to the restaurant.

No one can dispute that parking is at a premium and that something needs to be done. Let’s face it: Most of the traffic that does stop is doing so to eat, look around and give drivers a rest. When all the parking spaces are taken up by employees, there’s no room for customers, so they continue on their way.

Owners of these business should demand that their employees park behind the Backstop Sports Pub or between the Backstop and Bella Salon. Shame on those who don’t, who allow customer parking spaces to be occupied by employees instead of paying customers.

There is also a problem parking motorcycles. They have widened sidewalk areas throughout downtown that could easily accommodate parking. Unfortunately, the city hasn’t seen fit to place signs stating “motorcycle parking allowed.”

Fortunately, the ones that do park there aren’t ticketed, but with parking at a premium, cycles that do take a space (and sometimes two or three), keep cars from parking (and they can’t park on the sidewalk!). We need the cooperation of cycle owners and business owners to help find a solution to this problem.

We cannot afford to place the cart before the horse by inviting tourists into our lovely town to check us out — and then sending them off without stopping because they can’t find a place to park to see all of the things our city can offer.

I am not implying that the bikers or employees are the sole cause of the parking problem, but they are part of it.

Let’s keep Boulder City clean and green, the oasis of the desert and home of plenty of parking.

Pepper Coombes

Roadway should be Boulder City Boulevard

We support the mayor (Roger Tobler) and (Councilman) Cam Walker. Nevada Highway should be renamed Boulder City Boulevard.

Lea and Ralph Kittleson

Dan Leach Memorial Fund expresses gratitude

On behalf of our family and the board members of the Dan Leach Memorial Fund we would like to thank everyone involved in the Veterans’ Memorial baseball field dedication to Dan Leach. We are so grateful for this wonderful and supportive community. Without any of you, our efforts in ensuring any child can participate in such great activities would not be possible.

Mayor Roger Tobler and Councilman Cam Walker, we can’t thank you enough for your support and your wonderful words about Dan and our organization. Thank you Roger Hall for first coming to us with the idea and being so great and helpful throughout the entire process.

We also extend our gratitude to Jack’s Place owner Jack Gall and his staff for all the hard work they put in to prepare all the delicious food for the event.

We also would like to thank Detective Jen Woolsey and the Boulder City Police Department for their extensive efforts not only with the field dedication but also National Night Out. It was a great turnout and we are so thankful we were able to be a part of if this year. Thank you to everyone who came out and donated.

Because of this event we will be able to support many more children within our community. Thank you Boulder City for helping us make this community an even better place to live.

Laura Leach,


Dan Leach Memorial Fund


Thank you, BCR

A close call