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Letters to the editor

Dogs endear themselves to local children

Our two little dogs really draw kids’ attention. The other day when Nicky walked the dogs in Bicentennial Park, a little girl fell madly in love with them.

“Don’t you have dogs at home?” Nicky asked.

“No, we have cats,” replied the little girl. “But I pretend they’re dogs.”

Ray Collins

Elks thank Railroad Pass for charitable contributions

The Boulder City Elks would like to thank you and Railroad Pass for your support of our lodge with your very generous donations. Because of your continued donations we are able to give food boxes to the needy during the holidays, feed the homeless, hold several dinners and special events for our veterans, sponsor wonderful programs for the youth such as DARE, soccer and hoop shoot, and sponsor Boy Scout Troop No. 7. We offer scholarships to local youths and continue to do many other charitable events benefiting our community and the Nevada State Veterans Home.

We are very pleased with all of the wonderful things that you donated to our lodge this month. Railroad Pass stepped up yet again to assist us in helping our community in the areas that need our services the most.

… With these donations it enables our civic-minded Elks Lodge members to continue to give through assistance in Boulder City where it is needed most.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to review our needs in considering the donations you made to our organization, whose very credo is giving back to our community through charity. …

Matt Ashe

Exalted Ruler

Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to Curt Thompson, general manager of the Railroad Pass Casino.


Thank you, BCR

A close call