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Letters to the editor

Take extra steps to protect pets from coyotes

Friday morning we lost our precious rat terrier, Schooner, to a coyote attack. We live near Veterans’ Memorial Park and had seen coyotes in the area but believed they were hunting the numerous rabbits around the park and golf course. We naively trusted that high walls around our yard would keep our little dog safe.

At 11 p.m. Wednesday night we let Schooner out into the backyard before bed, as we had every night for 11 years.

Within seconds we heard her anguished yelping and rushed to discover that she had been severely mauled.

She survived the attack and the difficult surgery to repair her wounds, and seemed to be doing well, only to succumb 24 hours later to what the veterinarian believed was a blood clot in the lungs.

We want to share some ways we learned, too late, to protect pets from coyote attacks so that no one has to experience the despair we feel.

1. Keep pets inside from dusk to dawn, when coyotes usually hunt. If pets need to go outside at night, go with them and keep them on a short leash.

2. Consider paper-training your dog to eliminate the possibility of a coyote attack.

3. Remove food sources from your yard. Feed pets indoors, place garbage in cans with tight lids, and pick up fallen fruit from fruit trees.

4. If you walk your pets at night, keep them on a short leash. Coyotes naturally fear humans and should not approach if you are close by.

5. Fences should be at least 6 feet high to thwart jumping coyotes. Move objects away from fences that coyotes could use as steps. Consider installing barriers 2 to 3 feet underground to prevent tunneling.

May all your beloved pets stay safe.

The Zobrist Family

Golf tourney organizers thank volunteers, sponsors

Puttin’ 4 the Kids Golf Tournament, sponsored by Jack’s Place in conjunction with the Dan Leach Foundation, would like to give special thanks to all of those that supported our golf tournament Saturday, May 21.

The golf tournament’s proceeds are used to sponsor Boulder City children to attend before- and after-school activities through Parks and Recreation (Department).

We want to specially recognize our volunteers and sponsors that worked very hard to make this event successful: Dotty’s, Star Nursery, Diversified Marine, Boulder City Magazine, Copper Mountain Solar 1, Boulder Dam Credit Union, Quality Construction Managers, BC Real Estate, Plaza Realty, the Draney Family Foundation, San Diego Gas and Electric, US Foods, Boulder City Municipal Golf Course, Tony’s Pro Shop and staff and Katie Gaal.

Cokie Booth

Generosity allows Lend A Hand to continue services

Thank you to all who donated to the recent Lend A Hand of Boulder City’s “nonevent fundraiser.” Your generosity will allow Lend A Hand to continue its 25 years of transportation and in-home service to Boulder City seniors and disabled residents.

During the past year, more than 150 residents per month have been able to make necessary medical and health care appointments, complete weekly errands and benefit from companionship and caregiver respite.

Without your generous support, the scope of these services would not be possible.

The staff and board of Lend A Hand, the volunteers and the residents you have helped gratefully thank you.

Phyllis Buchhuber,

Lend A Hand of Boulder City


Thank you, BCR

A close call