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Letters to the editor

City staff reacts promptly to water meter problem

Erratic water bills and a look at the condition of my meter out front by the sidewalk prompted me to take photos and call for an appointment with City Manager Dave Fraser. After hearing my situation, Dave’s assistant, Nancy (Sommer), arranged for me to meet with the city manager in a very timely manner.

I took along the March bill, which showed excessive water usage, and the April bill, which showed zero water usage, along with pictures of the meter before I cleaned off the debris that covered the dial making it appear to me that the antiquated meter was unreadable even after the debris was cleared.

Dave Fraser had done his homework before our meeting and informed me that my meter reading for March was incorrect and the April bill reflected the credit. Then I shared my photos (a picture really is worth a thousand words), and he brought Jim Petrie into our meeting.

Jim, who is in charge of utilities, looked at the photos and said it was pretty common to see the meters in front of some of the older homes in that sort of condition. He assured me that the meters were read every month after being cleaned off, but sometimes errors occurred.

Bottom line: I asked for a new meter that could be read clearly so that I could be billed correctly. Jim said it would be taken care of ASAP. In less than a week, my new meter was installed very nicely.

I really appreciate both Dave Fraser and Jim Petrie for taking care of business. It gives me renewed confidence in a City Hall that has proven to be very disappointing in the past.

Thanks to the city manager for being open to public concerns. On top of that, he’s a nice guy.

Linda Schrick

BCR editor gives newspaper fresh look, hometown flavor

This is a long overdue welcome and thank you to the new editor of the Boulder City Review, Hali Bernstein Saylor. It is so refreshing to have someone at the helm who actually cares about our city, who attends various community functions and participates in any capacity that she can. The newspaper has a fresher look, some changes for the better and editorials that give a nice hometown flavor.

Again, welcome, and hopefully, your tenure here be long and enjoyable.

Theresa Krause


Thank you, BCR

A close call