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Letters to the editor

Talents, generosity of performers appreciated

The Boulder City Circle outdid itself on Sunday, Jan. 5, with a 90-minute toe-tapping concert. I was emotionally overwhelmed and appreciative that the highly talented professional entertainers devoted their time and care to raise funds for Lend A Hand and Emergency Aid of Boulder City.

Boulder City Circle is committed to raising funds for nonprofit groups. They have performed 40 benefit concerts in Boulder City.

The network of performers started with Gene Segerblom and Phil Esser to Charlie Schaffer and then to many others forming a network that still grows. How fortunate we are.

Special thanks to concert organizer Phil Esser and Sunday’s other stars: Charlie Shaffer, Arno Marsh, Bob Baker, Bruce Harper, Greg Langley, Nancy Porter, Paul Klouse, Francyl Gawryn, Terri Cola, Susan Slykerman, Lois Foree, Laura Schaffer, and Sandy Nelson — and their support team Peggy Casper, Plaza Realty and the Boulder Dam Credit Union.

The concert triggered many thoughts for me: appreciation, reminder that giving is a gift to receiver and giver, and the importance of expanding the network of giving in Boulder City.

Both Lend A Hand of Boulder City and Emergency Aid are staffed by dedicated people who also share their time and talents to serve others. Both need volunteers who can serve in a variety of ways, and both need financial contributors to help sustain services (cash, fund transfers at the credit union, online through PayPal and bequests.) I encourage each of us to consider ways to contribute more to our community.

Our city is fortunate to have many generous, talented people who repeatedly share with the community, and there is always room for more.

Lettie Zimmerman

Lend A Hand of Boulder City

Vice president, board of trustees


Thank you, BCR

A close call