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Letters to the Editor

Resident grateful for help after accident

On Easter Sunday I was involved in an accident on Utah Street and Avenue K around 7:30 in the morning. My neighbor and I were returning from sunrise services at Hemenway Park.

The lovely lady who lived in the blue house where the accident happened came out and offered us chairs and bottled water. Her young son put his arms around me and gave me a needed hug. The fire department was prompt and police officers Mark DuBois and John Daly were professional, efficient and patient, staying with us for over two hours.

Boulder City residents Gloria and Jeff Dunlop were outstanding. Gloria did all the phone-calling of the insurance company and requesting a tow truck.

They stayed the whole two hours and then Jeff drove us home.

The other person involved in the accident was a gentleman and made an upsetting incident much easier.

My friend is still willing to get into my car with me. Life is good in Boulder City. No wonder we have lived in Boulder City for 36 years.

The people, the fire department and the police department are the best in the West.

Mary Moody

American Legion needs veterans support

This is an open letter to all local veterans. The American Legion at the national, state and local levels has been facing some serious challenges in membership as the last of the World War II veterans pass away. Boulder City Post 31 is no exception.

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization dedicated to veterans supporting veterans. In addition to veterans’ support, the American Legion has focused on support for our nation’s youth through programs such as the Legacy Scholarship and the Child Welfare Foundation. Today’s post members continue to advocate for patriotism, support for fellow veterans and promotion of future leaders, our youth.

I am inviting all eligible veterans to come join us, to learn about our programs and help to support our most-needy fellow veterans. Locally, Post 31 coordinates a wide range of social, informational and ceremonial events including our major project each year: coordinating and hosting the town’s Memorial Day activities.

Events include a Memorial Day ceremony, placing flags on the graves of all veterans in the cemeteries in town, sponsoring Boys and Girls State, scholarships for high school graduates and sponsoring patriotic oratorical contests.

Many of you may not realize that our post is also responsible for the show of Americanism recognizing local servicemen and women from Boulder City along Veterans Memorial Parkway.

Could we do more? The obvious answer is yes, but to do more the post needs more active support.

The post meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. It also sponsors many great social events.

For additional information, contact Joe Rowe at 702-722-4273 or the post at 702-293-6374.

Joe Rowe

Former post commander

Bypass anything but bright spot

I’m very surprised to read the mayor calling the bypass a “bright spot in the city’s future” in last week’s Boulder City Review. Unless he’s joining the previous mayors and councils who have led Boulder City residents down the garden path on budgets and development issues, I’d suggest the future of Boulder City is anything but bright because of the bypass.

I’ve lived in and around many cities whose downtowns have been bypassed by major highway projects and every one of those towns has seen a steep decline in their downtown businesses. I wasn’t living in Boulder City when the route of the bypass was decided, but I know there were many more favorable routes that would have at least allowed drivers to get a glimpse of our green city, instead of sending them down through the dusty desert where Boulder City quickly becomes a memory, if even that.

To make matters worse, our downtown is already struggling with closed businesses and shuttered buildings that have quickly become public eyesores, with seemingly little concern from our elected officials.

The City Council, meanwhile, is content to allow the city’s largest developer to have his way by fast-tracking the destruction of historic buildings and rerouting established streets for his benefit, building a roundabout to replace a perfectly good intersection, and turning a blind eye to malfeasance in office by many appointed officials.

And now the mayor says the bypass is a bright spot. So, I guess our elected officials think we’re going to buy this hook, line and sinker without even questioning the process. I’m hoping that enough Boulder City residents have woken up, like I have, over the past few months and aren’t going to take this anymore.

Roger Gros


Thank you, BCR

A close call