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Letters to the Editor

Plight of people needs greater attention

Have we lost our perspective and values? Something is very wrong when news of dogs being illegally put to sleep at an animal control facility in Boulder City make several headlines while infinitely graver subjects like abortion are given scant notice.

I am a pet lover, so don’t misunderstand me. What happened to those dogs was despicable and cruel, but is it a worse crime then what is happening to thousands of human beings on a regular basis? It’s a shame that outrage can’t be mustered over abortion and human trafficking.

Human beings have souls and are created in the image and likeness of God and this gives us infinitely greater value. Animals do not have souls. Animals can never take the place of people.

Genesis 2:20 explains that after God created animals it was realized that “none of (these animals) proved to be suitable partner for man.” That’s why in the next line it states that God created woman — Eve.

Pet health care is now a billion dollar industry. People routinely pay thousands of dollars on care for their dogs while some forgotten homeless man, who had no health coverage at all, dies in a back alley in downtown Las Vegas. That doesn’t make the headlines, though. When a dog draws more attention than a child of God then something is wrong — terribly wrong.

Bobby Morrow


Thank you, BCR

A close call