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Letters to the Editor

Albertsons’ donations to community can’t be overlooked

In reading the recent coverage in the Boulder City Review about Albertsons being the only grocery store in town, I was heartened when I saw that local folks came to Albertsons’ defense with respect to pricing, long lines and parking. But, I do think one important aspect of our local Albertsons has been overlooked and that is that it is such an outstanding community partner.

I was privileged to attend the 100th birthday party of a resident of the long-term care program at Boulder City Hospital the other day and she was presented with a beautifully decorated birthday cake. I was told that Albertsons had donated the cake and, in fact, donates all their birthday cakes.

It brought to mind all the generous things that Albertsons does for our community. Just a couple of examples are its ongoing support of the Senior Center of Boulder City and National Night Out, which is one of the city’s biggest events for locals, and for which Albertsons donates all the food and drinks for this great event.

It is my guess that every nonprofit in Boulder City has, at one time or another, benefited from Albertsons’ generosity. That is why I am a loyal Albertsons shopper as I have always appreciated how it has given back to our community.

Peggy Leavitt

Veterans Assistance League appreciates support

The Nevada Veterans Assistance League would like to acknowledge and thank all of the sponsors, participants, donors and volunteers for making this year’s golf classic a great success. Without their overwhelming support, along with community involvement, we would not be able to continue to provide assistance to the veterans and their spouses that reside at Nevada State Veterans Home in Boulder City.

The 2017 golf classic will be held Feb. 25 at Boulder Creek Golf Club. I invite everyone to become involved with this amazing event.

Thank you.

Julie Boyster

Nevada Veterans Assistance League

See Spot Run to honor memory

of dog park fan

See Spot Run would like to extend heartfelt condolences to the Adam Shields family and their many friends.

In memory of Adam, See Spot Run dog park has become the recipient of your generous contributions. Adam loved to spend time with his dog at the park.

See Spot Run is thankful for all the donations we received. This money will be used for maintenance and projects at the park.

Thank you; you will not be forgotten.

See Spot Run

Cover boards on buildings with murals

What to do with all the boarded up buildings in Boulder City? We have a lot of artists in our town. Why not paint pictures or murals to camoflauge an eyesore and add lots of charm?

Violet Madsen

Student seeks information about Nevada

Hello! My name is Wil N. I am a fifth-grade student at Harlan Intermediate School in Harlan, Iowa. My class is studying the geography and history of the United States. I am excited to learn more about your state of Nevada.

I would really appreciate it if you would send me photos, postcards, your state map, and information or souvenirs on your outstanding state. I really appreciate your time and look forward to learning more about your outstanding state of Nevada.

Please send them to me in care of the school at 1809 W. Park St., Harlan, IA 51537

Thank you!

Wil N.


Thank you, BCR

A close call