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Letters to the Editor

Where is the outrage?

Do the residents of Boulder City have a reasonable expectation that its elected officials act in a responsible and ethically acceptable way when doing their job? I am writing this letter to the residents of our city to ensure they are aware of the fact that, apparently, our elected officials do not plan to do anything more about the events that have recently occurred in "clean, green" Boulder City.

Is it OK for the police chief to unexpectedly resign and thereby escape possible criminal prosecution for acts he committed in the course of doing his job? I am talking about the fact that he not only allowed, he helped his subordinate, a monster named Mary Jo Frazier, escape and flee criminal prosecution for allegedly committing multiple criminal acts of cruelty to animals while on duty at our city's animal shelter.

Is it OK for city officials to "look the other way" because they see no use in "dragging things through the mud," in reference to this latest scandal? The last I heard the fugitive Mary Jo Frazier is still at large, her whereabouts is supposedly unknown. Is it OK that currently, there are no criminal charges filed against her? Is it "OK" that no one is even trying to find her? Is it OK for her to collect a pension that is paid by our city?

In my opinion, none of these things are OK! I am outraged that they are happening.

I feel I must comment on the letter from Sandra Reade to the editor of the Boulder City Review, published Feb. 11, 2016. In my opinion, Ms. Reade's attempt to publically defend her good friend, the former Police Chief Bill Conger, is pathetic, to say the least. She seems to be trying to rewrite one of the darkest, most sick and twisted stories about our city that has ever existed.

In her letter she makes a number of unwarranted allegations such as "shoddy journalism," defamation and slander she claims is in the reporting the story, but she fails to provide any actual examples or reasons for making these vague accusations. She goes on to say that these things were used to "create a bigger story." Really, Ms. Reade? This story was already "bigger" than any of us is likely to ever really know. It did not need to be "created."

Her narrative raises serious questions about her integrity. Moreover, Ms. Reade seems to be unaware of many other well-established and undisputed facts of the case, because they are conspicuously left out of her version of the story. She states that Conger is "a man who actually does his job." If that is true, how could so many unspeakable, illegal acts of cruelty to animals occur at the animal shelter while under the supervision of this man she speaks so highly of?

Ms. Reade's letter leaves me wondering how many other residents of our city could also be so out of touch with reality? The thought is frightening.

I plead with the residents of Boulder City: We need to get together and demand our city officials take immediate action to indict these criminal former employees and bring them to justice. We must stop the ongoing practice of selective law enforcement in our city. We deserve so much more from our elected officials.

Jim Cisco


Albertsons' employees work hard to keep customers happy

First and foremost I appreciate and give a lot of credit and kudos to Albertsons, and the employees that work so hard to keep operations efficient and customers happy.

My comments in the article "Frustration" were purely statistically and economically driven, based on simple economics regarding supply and demand. With an increasing amount of tourists, boaters and the people living in the community, it would suffice to say that going from two grocery stores to one puts a great deal of stress on the Albertsons' infrastructure, and everyone involved in the equation.

The facts remain, and corporate sets the prices (not the store). It takes longer to park, maneuver within the market, check out and get out of the parking lot. The only way to alleviate this would be to open another market or increase the size of the current one.

Having said that, once inside the employees and managers have made extra efforts to make sure the store is stocked, clean and people are still being served as efficiently as possible. Thank you Albertsons for keeping Boulder City residents employed and fed.

Jill Bunch

Chilly Jilly'z


Grocery store does 'great job'

I must disagree with our local business owner about Albertsons. I have been going to this Albertsons for 14 years and I think they do a great job.

Having talked to the employees and assistant manager, they were definitely caught off-guard when Haggen closed. It has taken them awhile to get up to speed, but the last time I was in there they had five checkers open and lines were short. I watch their prices closely and have not noticed any change. They have added some new items that are in higher price ranges.

I hope we can have another grocery store soon; everyone likes choices. I don't hear any complaints from our local business owner when the local gas stations raise their prices 20 cents a gallon during the holidays.

Ken Lauer


Hudson returning to Boulder City

I'd like to thank Copper Mountain Solar and our Boulder City Library for once again sponsoring Duffy Hudson, master actor, for his upcoming performances at the library on Saturday. He's doing his one-man shows of Dr. Seuss at 11:30 a.m., and Houdini at 2:30 p.m. Anyone who has seen this sensational actor do George Burns, (Albert) Einstein, Audie Murphy, "A Christmas Carol," etc., knows we're in for another big treat.

And, just for your information, Dr. Seuss is not just for kids. Let's spread the word, bring one and all, and make sure to mark our calendars.

Linda Barnett


Participants, organizers made caucus a success

Democrats in Boulder City came out in droves this past Saturday at the presidential caucus to voice their choice for progress in America. The hundreds of attendees joined with their neighbors to stand for their candidate and discuss issues.

The Nevada Democratic State Party sets the rules, time and location for the caucus. The spirit, cooperation and patience of the hundreds of Democrats attending the caucus made it a success. I extend my special appreciation to all the local volunteers who devoted their time to support the effort. It is a true grassroots effort to better America.

I would also like to thank Principal Amy Wagner and Dean TJ Steckelberg of Boulder City High School for their cooperation in the use of the school for this event.

Thank you to all the participants!

Kiernan McManus

Boulder City Democratic Club


Thank you, BCR

A close call