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Letters to the Editor

Help to make Caregivers Fair a success appreciated

On Saturday, Jan. 23, Lend A Hand held a Caregivers Fair at the Boulder City Library. Hopefully, you, as a reader of this letter, were in attendance. But if not, it is our hope to hold this as an annual event, bringing information in the future to those who find a need.

Lend A Hand would like to give a huge thank-you to all who worked so hard to get this fair organized, those exhibitors who participated and all who spread the word of the event. The Boulder City community stepped forward to help in ways we never thought possible.

Thanks to Albertsons and Savon Drugs, which brought all the treats, water and flu shots, and to our local care centers that wanted to get the information out about their housing services.

All I can say is thank you to each and every one of you for supporting us again, and for being there when we needed your assistance.

As any city, Boulder City may have its problems, but if you look around we have more to be thankful for than most cities, especially in the help available to our seniors.

Our extended help in transportation will be up and running by the first week in February. Our respite help is already in place; the extended services will be in place within weeks. So if you or someone you know needs these services, please call our office at 702-294-2363.

Thank you for any and all help.

Christina Lodge

Program Director, Lend A Hand


Chief Conger's resignation a loss for city

I have known Chief Bill Conger for over 20 years. He is an honest man, a fine police officer, a dog lover and a good human being. I know from experience that when he takes on a job, he does the job. That dedication sometimes puts him crosswise to others who would rather take shortcuts or handle situations in a manner that is determined by politics instead of truth.

In the wake of this type of dirty politics and shoddy journalism, which did not take into account all of the facts and used slander and defamation to create a bigger story, I feel sorry for the residents of Boulder City. They have lost a chance to have an honest government and a police chief who actually does his job.

I am sorry to see him go, but I can understand his disappointment in our community. I have lived here over 50 years and I know that I feel embarrassed by the way the people that sit in the desks at City Hall are handling the business of our city.

Sandra Reade


Officer's excessive speed was reckless

On Feb. 8, about midmorning, I was walking my dog when I heard an emergency siren from a police car coming from Wyoming Street onto Nevada Way. I was by Frank Crowe Park and by the time the police car passed me with all the whistles and bells blaring, the driver had to have been going every bit of 70 mph. The police car was going so fast traffic didn't even have time to yield.

I was wondering what such an emergency could be. As it turns out, more than likely he or she was responding to a call of a body that had been found. (I heard about the body from the news later.)

My question is: Does that justify a cop going that speed to get to a deceased person's body? Of course, it shouldn't. That responder couldn't do anything to help the deceased. The only thing the cop did was to put the public in harm's way with the way she or he was driving.

Thanks only to God no one was injured or killed because of the reckless and careless driving of a cop getting caught up in the excitement of responding to an incident that already had taken place.

Perhaps the city should be given a citation for allowing city employees to not use common sense or at least get their employees driving lessons.

David Chambers


Republicans ready for Feb. 23 caucus

The 2016 Nevada Republican caucus will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23, from 5-9 p.m. The Clark County Republican Party caucus site for all Boulder City precincts is in the cafeteria at Boulder City High School.

The schedule is as follows: At 5 p.m. the doors open for the precinct meetings with sign-in and presidential preference poll voting beginning. This year if you would like to vote and leave, you may do so. Voting for your presidential preference is open from 5-8:30 p.m. At 6 p.m. those who wish to may speak for their presidential candidate at their precinct meeting. After presidential candidate statements, there will be informational discussions (platform feedback, delegate process).

At 7 p.m. the precinct delegate election process starts in the precinct meeting area. Each delegate candidate will receive two minutes to speak, then the precinct delegate election takes place. At 8:30 p.m. the polls close and ballots are counted. Anyone who wishes to observe the process may do so but no interruptions are allowed. The meeting ends at 9 p.m.

If you wish to attend the Republican caucus, you must be a registered Republican on the Clark County Election Department voter role by Saturday.

You will need to bring a government-issued photo identification, such as a driver's license, passport, etc. Sign in will go faster if you know your precinct number. You can find it on your blue voter registration card issued by the Clark County Elections Department. You can also go online to NevadaGOPCaucus.org to find it.

The county and state Republican parties pay for the caucus. The meetings are staffed completely with volunteers. If you are a registered Republican and want to volunteer to help at the Boulder City caucus site, contact me at 702-293-4478 or bcgop@yahoo.com.

Maraya Evans

Clark County Republican caucus site manager, Boulder City


Student seeks information about Nevada

I am a student at Cascade Christians School in Puyallup, Wash., and I am writing a report on the state of Nevada. I am responsible for gathering as much information as I can about my state. If any of you would like to help me by sending any pictures, postcards, used license plates, facts, products, etc., from your state, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.


Fifth-grader at Cascade Christian School


Thank you, BCR

A close call