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Letters to the Editor

Thanks to everyone of ‘Power Generation’

At 1 p.m. Saturday , supporters of all ages gathered at Lakeview Terrace of Boulder City to celebrate the “Power Generation,” a tribute to not only the pioneers and settlers of Southern Nevada but all seniors who have contributed to the growth of Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City. Although there were a few monkey wrenches thrown in along the way, I’d like to thank those who stuck with us and made the “Power Generation” variety show a fantastic day for all.

First, I’d like to thank Rossi Ralenkotter and his team at the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority for believing in our idea 100 percent and going the extra mile to promote it for us, as well as the Boulder City Chamber CEO Jill Lagan for advertising our event on the Welcome Corner Board. We know the entire weekend was packed with events all over the valley and are especially grateful to our community representatives who rearranged their schedules to attend “Power Generation.”

We couldn’t have put on our show without Carla Morgan and her helpful brother-in-law setting up and running all of our microphones and music for each act. Most refreshing was their attitude:“Don’t worry about it, we’ll be there.” Equally as easygoing were our excellent volunteers from Boulder City High School, coordinated by Mrs. Lee.

Through venue, date and act changes, our performers still managed to shine. I’d like to thank our color bearers, the American Legion Post 31 and Veterans of Foreign Wars; Mary Rose Stark for both of her beautiful songs; Anna Lawson, every coach and every dancer at Dance Etc.; Elton M. Garrett Junior High School cheerleaders and their coach, Amy Hornbrook; monologist Barbra Morris; and our finale performers, Aroha Larsen, Madeline Morris and Ella Morris, coordinated by Lisa Morris and Kara Larsen. Without these folks (and I’m sure, especially with the little ones, their families), we could not have achieved our goal of giving those present a little taste — or a little memory — of our past.

Longtime Boulder City resident Jeanne Harshman recognized the need to honor all seniors of Southern Nevada and, through her decades of experience in show biz and knowledge of “who’s who” in Las Vegas, knew a variety show would be the perfect way to entertain and educate newcomers and youngsters on our past 80 years of history. Finally, I’d like to thank the ladies of Lakeview Terrace of Boulder City who truly went the extra mile to make this event happen. Not only did I witness the care and dedication with which they planned each aspect of this event and grace in handling challenges that faced them, but I witnessed them transfer over those qualities when working with their residents. These ladies stayed positive through each step of the way and accepted graciously that, no matter what, the show must go on!

Laura Hutton, Museum Manager,

Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum


Nothing vague about current noise ordinance

In the matter of the “vague” existing noise ordinance — what’s vague about it? I think it says what it means: “No music played should be played at a level that can be heard by a person with normal hearing at a distance of 75 feet.”

Brilliant! Keep it! The younger generations seem to believe that ear-splitting, maximum-decible rock music is an absolute requisite before any possibility of enjoyment can happen. It has become an accepted scourge on a once civilized society. I don’t care if pop-culture addicts sit in a sound-insulated club and blow their eardrums out. I don’t think we should be subjected to it where unsympathetic ears are present .

I’m so pleased to learn that our new city manager and the Boulder City Review reporter are former members of rock bands and have a grip on the resistance encountered with some of the unenlightened. Really great to know.

If there are more changes that need to be made to the noise ordinance, how about this idea: Any band can play in a park or downtown street until 11 p.m. so long as it is prohibited from plugging into an electrical outlet and use muted drums.

Here’s another: Since Boulder City seems to have become the motorcycle capital of the world, all motorcycles that drive here must have the quiet muffler systems installed on their exhaust system. Even the Harley Davidson CEO stated, “It’s time for us to pipe down.” I never cease to marvel how grown men, and some of them real old men, deliberately delight in annoying people. It is a textbook case of delayed puberty.

Wow! Enforcement of that law would enable Boulder City to be the richest town in America. Last, maybe we could think about a voice box alteration provision for loud barking dogs.

Tom Neal


Property owners can take back quality of life

In a single sentence Ken Christian (letters, May 16) expressed his disgust for the areas of “blight” in Boulder City and, apparently, his desire for the city to do more about them.

I concur that there are some properties that need attention, but I caution to be careful what we wish for. One of the many, many things that I enjoy about BC is the city’s sensible approach to law enforcement. As Office Jeffrey Grasso wrote in the same Review issue, “We truly try not to be the letter-of-the-law type. ...” If we ask the city to be tougher on our neighbors they might be forced to be tougher on everyone. City Code Enforcement is doing a fine job already. Proof is almost everywhere you look in beautiful BC.

So what can we do about the two properties on Kendall Lane that Mr. Christian mentioned? How can neighbors take back the quality of life and property value that they once enjoyed?

There is a program in Pasadena, Calif., called “Safe Streets Now!” where neighborhoods have done just that. (See http://bit.ly/Z91ZVj and www.safest.org.) In brief, property owners file small claims (http://bit.ly/qhkt5B) against the owner(s) of the problem property for loss of value and quality of life. Loss of value is proved by an appraisal showing the problem property has negatively affected the values in the area. Further, the loss affects every property in the neighborhood. If 20 owners are awarded judgments of, say, $5,000 each, that’s potential liens totaling $100,000. The problem property owner can say goodbye to selling or refinancing. Moreover, the existing mortgagees could call any existing loans

“Safe Streets Now!” might make cleaning up the problem property seem like a real bargain .

Jim Sheldon


Lend a Hand says ‘thanks,’ launches new program

The Lend a Hand Board and staff would like to thank those in the community who contributed to our “Non-event Event.” Postcards were mailed to many residents and businesses and the response we received in donations is greatly appreciated.

Lend a Hand is in the process of setting up a new service. We are calling it a Telephone Reassurance Program. Residents can call in requesting a telephone call from a volunteer who will make contact at a prescheduled day and time.

This will be a way for those seniors who live alone, who have no one in their lives to check on their well-being to have the security of a check. A friendly call will reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Any resident of Boulder City who is a senior age 60 and over, or those who are under 60 on Medicare disability, are eligible for Lend a Hand services. There is no income restrictions. There seems to be a misunderstanding on this issue. Lend a Hand is here to assist all residents of Boulder City who qualify by age or health related issues.

Once again Lend a Hand is looking for volunteers. We do have many wonderful, dedicated volunteers who work hard for us, but we are always looking for others who can help ease the workload.

To sign up for our services or to become a volunteer, please call our office at 294-2363.

Christina Lodge

Program Director, Lend a Hand


Thank you, BCR

A close call