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Letter to the Editor

Store, union treat employees unfairly

Boulder City residents should be ashamed to have Albertsons and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union as part of their community. I have a family member who has worked for Albertsons for two years; he earns $7.75 an hour and is rarely, if ever, scheduled to work 40 (hours) a week. Today, he was scheduled to work six hours for less than $48; this is corporate theft of a human’s time.

This young man is always on time for work and his manager routinely calls him in on his day off or to come in early, or stay over, because of scheduling deficiencies and sick calls. He has received special recognition for a job well done five times. Last week, he put in for a promotion that pays 40 cents an hour more and was passed over for a less-experienced employee with less time on the job. The union said that the manager was within his rights to do so.

The UFCW union, that he pays $7 a week for the privilege of belonging to, is worthless and stood by as the manager promoted a younger, less-qualified employee with less seniority. What’s the point of having union representation if seniority doesn’t matter and management can do what it wants?

Boulder City residents should boycott Albertsons/Vons and its residents ought to refuse to work there. What Albertsons is paying its employees is morally reprehensible: $7 an hour is 1970s’ wages, but are you paying 10 cents for a pound of bananas? Are their executives earning ’70s salaries?

Come on Boulder City residents, stand up for your young sons and daughters, husbands and wives and send a strong message to Albertsons/Vons that their corporate greed will not be tolerated in your town. Boycott Albertsons and shop in Henderson!

Clinton R Hoges II


Thank you, BCR

A close call