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Letter to the editor

Elks offer thanks for Thanksgiving dinner aid

Boulder City Elks Lodge thanks everyone for their help with Thanksgiving dinners for seniors, veterans and those in need.

Another Thanksgiving has past and we successfully fed more than 250 deserving residents of Boulder City. The Senior Center of Boulder City assisted us in gathering 75 people who dined with us and Emergency Aid of Boulder City had a few guests dine with us as well.

We could not have done it without the assistance from loyal Elk members who put in many hours cooking, shopping and preparing for this tremendous event. Our head chefs were Bill Visser, Tom Caddoo and Ron Welsh. Carving was done in a few hours time by Doug Nicholas, Ron Moreno, Al Closi and others.

Decorations done by Travis Anne Parsons were beautiful as always. Setup, assisted by Deb Stolpe and Ash Beaver, included Elks from all over the country who come to our RV park to spend Thanksgiving weekend just to assist us. Charlie Papas and his entire family worked all day serving and assisting with everything.

There is not enough space to name each person who assisted us with this project, but none of it would have been possible without each and every one of you. The smiles of appreciation and the light in the eyes of the guests at our lodge was thanks enough, as was knowing they had a joyful, delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

We appreciate all of the help from our community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you Boulder City for allowing us to do this for so many of our citizens and assisting us with your donations of time, turkeys and money to accomplish this worthy task.

Elks share, Elks care.

Teresa “Terri” Beaver,

Chaplain and Thanksgiving dinner chairperson, Boulder City Elks Lodge No. 1682


Thank you, BCR

A close call