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Public Safety

How to handle phone scams and prevent vehicle burglaries

If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from a utility, business, government or police and is asking you for money, hang up immediately. Do not confirm any personal information such as your name or address and do not answer any questions.

The Latest
Wildlife best left alone

Almost all the agencies in the valley have been receiving an increased amount of calls concerning wildlife, specifically coyotes and waterfowl. Spring is the season when wildlife and their young are more frequently seen by the public walking around these areas.

Make your workout work for you

Exercise. We know it’s good for us. But just how good is it? The benefits are pretty impressive.

Neighborhood Watch program to start

The Boulder City Police Department Volunteer Program is partnering with the community to bring a Neighborhood Watch program to the city, which will give residents a new way to help keep the area safe.

Sworn to Serve

Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City Review

Keen observation helps ensure safety

More this week on personal safety and some things to watch out for.

Some signs of criminal activity obvious

What is suspicious activity? Some of the obvious things to watch for are people wearing or carrying bloody clothing. They could be a victim or a suspect in the commission of a serious crime.

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