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Public Safety

Glaucoma can steal your sight

Half of the people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. Get a healthy start this year by learning about glaucoma and taking steps to reduce your risk of vision loss.

Stay aware, stay safe

Here are some more safety tips to keep in mind. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Get your exercise or run your errands in the daytime or early evening, not late at night.

Police Blotter, Jan. 24

Jan. 15, 8:04 a.m.

Set limits, rules for children’s use of internet

Here are some tips I would like to share with you to help make your use of the internet safer for you and your children.

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Take precautions against household hazards

I am continuing my series on household hazards this week with a few possibly forgotten areas of concern.

Homes filled with multiple safety hazards

Taking care of your family and home is certainly important, and safety is a key component to creating a warm place where your family can thrive. Unfortunately, there are a number of safety hazards hiding in plain sight throughout your home. But, don’t worry, you can fix these concerns pretty easily.

Police Blotter, Jan. 3

Dec. 26, 4:05 p.m.

Clean hands save lives

Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Hand-washing with soap removes germs from hands.

Avoid identity theft: Be careful with personal information

I hope that all my readers are enjoying a healthy and happy holiday season and ask your indulgence as I take a short break from my regularly scheduled column to enjoy a little rest and relaxation time, as well. I have included a bit of information I thought you might find useful. Let’s all be safe out there.

Police Blotter, Dec. 27

Dec. 18, 12:58 p.m.

Stay safe when shopping online

This week I offer some safety information on buying and selling items on the internet.

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